Russia Monitor Monthly 7/23

A New Prime Minister for Special Assignments?

A New Prime Minister for Special Assignments?

The decision on who was to replace Dmitry Medvedev as Russia’s next prime minister has shown Putin’s aspiration to improve the image of the government while pushing forward his social agenda more smoothly and efficiently.

The Constitution According to Putin

The Constitution According to Putin

Lofted sometime before by Vladimir Putin’s closest associates, trial ballons might have brought a positive outcome, as evidenced by the Kremlin’s decision to announce upcoming amendments to the Russian constitution publicly.

The Year 2020 to Be of Key Importance for the Three Seas Initiative

The Year 2020 to Be of Key Importance for the Three Seas Initiative

The upcoming months will be of key importance in many areas. The results of the next presidential election in the United States, which will determine whether Washington continues or radically changes its course both in domestic and foreign policy, will be extremely important not only for the future of Americans, but also for the entire world.

The Collapse of the INF Treaty and the US-China Rivalry

The Collapse of the INF Treaty and the US-China Rivalry

Russia’s noncompliance with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, or INF Treaty, was the top reason for Donald Trump’s administration to pull out of the deal. Nonetheless, the collapse of the agreement has influenced not only the situation in Europe but also in Asia and the Pacific.

Bloody Fall in Iran

Bloody Fall in Iran

In mid-November, mass protests against a drastic increase in fuel prices broke out in Iran. Although the demonstrations were, for the most part, bloodily suppressed over a dozen or so days, the situation remains unstable.
