Management Board

Liliana Śmiech
Chairwoman of the Foundation Council

Maciej Tyburski
Program Coordinator
Graduated in Public Diplomacy and Studies of the East with a Russian-Chinese specialisation at the University of Gdansk, Strategic Management at the Warsaw School of Economics, U.S. Political Institutions: Congress, Presidency, Courts, and Bureaucracy at HarvardX and the Századvég Summer School programme – Prospects for the V4 and the CEE region concerning the current challenges of the EU: migration, society, economy. Associated with the Warsaw Institute since 2018. He has gained professional experience in diplomacy, public administration, European Union institutions, think tanks and consulting. His main interests include cooperation among the Visegrad Group, Three – Seas Initiative, EU policy, geopolitics, and energy transition. He speaks English, Russian and Mandarin. Privately, a fan of running.

Katja-Elisabeth Herrmann
Research Fellow
Katja-Elisabeth works as a research fellow at the Warsaw Institute. She graduated with an MA in Transatlantic Affairs from the College of Europe (Warsaw, Poland) and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, cross-registering as a student at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government (Boston, MA). Additionally, Katja-Elisabeth holds a BA in International Relations and International Organizations, which she combined with a degree in International and European Law (LLB) from the University of Groningen.
Her research is mainly devoted to transatlantic security and defense topics, particularly emerging and disruptive technologies. She was recently awarded the Squire Patton Boggs Foundation public policy fellowship in 2022 to conduct research on U.S. domestic politics and the Three Seas Initiative. She is also interested in cybersecurity and crisis management.
She recently presented her research at the Fletcher School on semiconductor technologies’ political and industrial landscape in the U.S. and the EU. She will continue her research, focusing on the challenges and opportunities for military procurement for NATO allies.

Patrycja Sokołowska
Communication and Promotion Specialist
Patrycja Sokołowska graduated with an MA in National Security at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw, specializing in euro-atlantic security. Additionally, she holds a BA in International Security and Diplomacy from the War Studies University (Warsaw, Poland).Communication & Promotion Specialist at the Warsaw Institute. She is an Editor in Chief at The Warsaw Institute Review quarterly, too. In June 2023, defended her diploma thesis entitled: “NATO deterrence startegy”. Her main area of interest are the security of the Euro-Atlantic area, geopolitics and public diplomacy. She gained professional experience during internships held by government administration institution, as well as private corporation and NGOs.

Aleksandra Iskra
Main Translator
English and French translator, a graduate from the Institute of Applied Linguistics (University of Warsaw) and the René Descartes University in Paris. Specialist in current affairs, the European Union and the global economy.

Aleksandra Tomaszewska
Aleksandra Tomaszewska is a translator, instructor, and researcher. She is a PhD candidate in linguistics and a graduate of the University of Warsaw (with distinction). She is a motivated university teacher of political and legal translation, and a passionate traveler (visiting new places whenever she can).