Analytical articles
The role and influence of the People’s Republic of China on Visegrad Group Countries
The project, aimed at monitoring the activity of the People's Republic of China in the region, was created thanks to the support of the Visegrad Fund in partnership with institutions from the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia.
Russia Monitor
Russia Monitor is a review of the most important events relating to Russian security, as well as its foreign policy.
China Monitor
China Monitor offers an analytical view of China's economic and foreign policy, helping to understand the decisions taken by the Chinese authorities. This program anticipates the consequences of Beijing's policy for the global economy, the EU, Central and Eastern European countries, and Poland.
MENA Monitor
MENA Monitor focuses on the Middle East and North Africa region. In articles, authors describe the most important events in the area stretching from Morocco to Iran, their consequences for neighboring countries, and their impact on the situation worldwide.
U.S. Weekly
U.S. WEEKLY offers an in-depth analysis of various geopolitical processes worldwide that exert influence on U.S. domestic and foreign policies.
Ukraine Monitor
Ukraine Monitor offers regular updates on Ukraine, a country where western and eastern interests clash.
Baltic Rim Monitor
Baltic Rim Monitor provides related digests of news and analysis of the Baltic countries.
Romania Monitor
Romania Monitor seeks to become a number one source of reliable information and incite debates on Romania and its partners.
Special Reports
Get the latest reports, analyses, Q&As, and special publications from Warsaw Institute experts.
Disinformation program involves professional analyses on how to identify methods for combatting disinformation.
Analytical articles
Latest analytical articles on political, legal, economic, social, historical, cultural and institutional issues.
Daily updates on the ongoing situation in Belarus.
Polish-Czech Forum
The project is financed from the state budget as part of the grant by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland "Polish-Czech Forum 2022
Three Seas Partnership
The task was financed by the National Institute of Freedom - Civil Society Development Center as part of the Government Program Civic Initiatives Fund NOWEFIO for the years 2021-2030.
Patriotic Fund
The project was co-financed by the National Heritage Institute of Roman Dmowski and Ignacy Jan Paderewski as part of the Patriotic Fund - edition 2022 - Freedom in Polish - Priority I, run by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.