Data: 31 August 2023
U.S. – India Relations & India’s Emerging Influence in the World
We are pleased to invite you to our latest online debate entitled “U.S. – India Relations & India’s Emerging Influence in the World”. Let’s discuss about India!

As part of the debate, two experts spoke about actual India’s postion in the international arena. The influence issues of this country is related in terms of, for example, national interests strategy or relations with United States. We tried to find out this issue with the help of the our guests – experts in region
During the online debate you may hear:
- Katja-Elisabeth Herrmann (Research Fellow at Warsaw Intitute) as a moderator of the discussion
- Rahul Sharma, Managing Director, India, APCO Worldwide
- Ashutosh Patil, President of Fletcher South Asia Society
Warch whole video here:
The task is financed by the National Institute of Freedom – Center for Civil Society Development under the Government Program for the Development for Civic Organizations PROO1a for 2018-2030
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