Russia Monitor Monthly 7/23

Russia Says Concerned Over Trump-Duda Meeting

Russia Says Concerned Over Trump-Duda Meeting

The Kremlin is voicing growing concern over the Polish President’s planned visit to the White House and Washington’s ambition to extend its military presence in Poland. Warsaw is rising in importance whereas Berlin is steadily losing it.

Two articles by Warsaw Institute in Latvian

Two articles by Warsaw Institute in Latvian

The Latvian portal, created by the country’s MoD, has published two articles based on Warsaw Institute’s analyzes: “Coronavirus in Russia: Putin Has Ratings Problem” and “The Arctic Grows in Importance as Russia Establishes New Military District”

Belt and Road in the fight against COVID-19

Belt and Road in the fight against COVID-19

An online meeting took place between the Chinese authorities and representatives of the countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on Thursday, June 18. The meeting concerned a declaration to maintain previous plans and strengthening cooperation in the face of the negative effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

Putin (Again) Wages Memory War

Putin (Again) Wages Memory War

In a lengthy essay published in U.S. magazine The National Interest, Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the topic of both World War II and the current affairs worldwide. Though stuffed with a number of references to many other documents, the historian-like exegesis is far from being a scientific paper.

Poland-U.S. Cooperation In The Years 2016-2020. Facts And Figures

Poland-U.S. Cooperation In The Years 2016-2020. Facts And Figures

Poland’s relations with the United States have strengthened considerably in recent years thanks to our cooperation in the fields of energy, security and defense. This article presents some of the most important issues that Warsaw and Washington have faced together over the past four years.

The economy of the PRC after six months of the pandemic

The economy of the PRC after six months of the pandemic

The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic led to the collapse of the favorable developmental dynamic in China and a recession of 6.8% in the first quarter of 2020. The Chinese parliament, whose sitting took place between May 24th and 28th, did not adopt an unambiguously defined GDP target, but the taken measures indicate that Beijing still assumes a possibility of growth within the 2-3.5% range.

China – India clash in Eastern Ladakh

China – India clash in Eastern Ladakh

On June 15 at the disputed section of the Sino-Indian border in East Ladakh occurred a clash in which at least 20 Indian soldiers, and the still unconfirmed number of soldiers of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) lost their lives. These are the first fatalities since 1967 and the incident itself has a potential to lead to the biggest crisis in Beijing – New Delhi relations in the 21st century.

Coronavirus in Russia: Putin Has Ratings Problem

Coronavirus in Russia: Putin Has Ratings Problem

The fall in Vladimir Putin’s popularity ratings is bucking the trend. The pandemic and much-criticized state policies, including the president’s self-isolation from Russian society, have created a less comfortable environment for the Kremlin while only speeding up some alarming shifts.

Russia’s Plan For Libya: Diplomatic Solutions Instead of Hired Guns

Russia’s Plan For Libya: Diplomatic Solutions Instead of Hired Guns

Following a series of setbacks for Russian-backed military commander Khalifa Haftar, there comes a severe threat of the collapse of the Libyan National Army (LNA). Thus, the Kremlin is seeking to bolster efforts towards compliance with Russian-Turkish bilateral agreements on a ceasefire in Libya.

Will the Russians reduce natural gas prices for their allies?

Will the Russians reduce natural gas prices for their allies?

Russia’s allied countries – Belarus, Armenia and recently also Kyrgyzstan – are demanding that Moscow reduces natural gas prices. Such demands have been formulated in Minsk or Yerevan for a long time, but nowadays, in the face of gas markets crash in Europe (among others), they are intensifying even more.

Lukashenko-Xi Jinping conversation

Lukashenko-Xi Jinping conversation

On June 11, President Xi Jinping and The President of Belarus – Alexander Lukashenko, held a telephone conversation. The discussion concerned the deepening of future economic cooperation, especially within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
