Russia Monitor Monthly 7/23

Romania Is Closer to the Schengen Zone Accession

Romania Is Closer to the Schengen Zone Accession

The EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos assessed that Romania had fulfilled its commitments thanks to which it should technically be able to join the Schengen zone soon. Is it the progress this time?

Study Visit of Bulgarian Journalists to Warsaw

Study Visit of Bulgarian Journalists to Warsaw

Representatives of Warsaw Institute and The Warsaw Institute Review gave a lecture during a recent study visit of Bulgarian journalists to Warsaw. The lecture concerned the geopolitical situation in Central and Eastern Europe and made reference to such projects as the Three Seas Initiative, Eastern Partnership and the Berlin Process.

U.S. Navy’s Second Fleet Takes Part in BALTOPS – Baltic Protector Exercise

U.S. Navy’s Second Fleet Takes Part in BALTOPS – Baltic Protector Exercise

From the end of May until the beginning of July, a series of naval exercises, with varying intensity, is being held by NATO forces and its partner countries in the Baltic Sea. The main phase of the Baltic Protector military training is the annual BALTOPS naval exercise. The 47th edition of the exercise is being led by the U.S. Navy’s Second Fleet, a military unit reestablished in 2018 in response to the increased threat posed by Russia in the North Atlantic.

Severe Sentences, Repressions in the Crimea. Tatars Targeted by FSB.

Severe Sentences, Repressions in the Crimea. Tatars Targeted by FSB.

The Russian military court in Rostov-on-Don sentenced five Crimean Tatars accused of belonging to a “terrorist organisation”. Tens of others are waiting for the trial and another group was recently arrested in the Crimea occupied by Russians – again accused of belonging to the Islamic Hizb-ut-Tahrir. The case is connected with a series of detentions from March 2019.

Maduro Buys Russia’s Support By Signing New Deals with Moscow

Maduro Buys Russia’s Support By Signing New Deals with Moscow

Venezuela’s Chavist regime seems to be well aware of Russia as the sole guarantor for its functioning and U.S. concerns over how Moscow could respond to a feasible armed operation in the country. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro uses his best efforts to tighten cooperation with Russia by offering natural resources or purchasing Russian-made military hardware.

Ukraine’s Naftogaz Struggles For Crimea Gas Assets

Ukraine’s Naftogaz Struggles For Crimea Gas Assets

Ukraine’s energy giant Naftogaz estimated that over 9 billion cubic meters of gas had been extracted from its Crimean assets since Moscow’s annexation of the peninsula in February 2014. And the Ukrainian gas firm claimed that Russia had unlawfully expropriated its assets in Crimea of a total value of up to $5 billion.

Why Did Kremlin Send Its Supervisors to Regions?

Why Did Kremlin Send Its Supervisors to Regions?

Russia’s federal authorities have devised a new yet typical for its governing tradition method to safeguard the regions plunged in the economic crisis by appointing national supervisors. This task was delegated to government ministers. It is, however, questionable whether Moscow’s solution could anyhow help poor regions, but the Kremlin has at least found those who might potentially be to blame for.

Polish-American Alliance Stronger Than Ever Before

Polish-American Alliance Stronger Than Ever Before

The meeting of Andrzej Duda and Donald Trump at the White House is a compelling signal that the alliance between the states is steadily strengthened. Thanks to the purchase of F-35 and the increased presence of American troops on Polish soil, it will gain the security of the entire region. The Warsaw Institute Foundation had a great honor to participate in the White House ceremony.

Moldova Faces Political Turmoil Triggered By Russian Intrigue

Moldova Faces Political Turmoil Triggered By Russian Intrigue

What happened in Moldova might have been triggered by a possible EU-US agreement with Moscow. But removing Plahotniuc and his peers from power could in the long run bring benefits to Moscow. And the Kremlin’s long-term goal consists in drawing Moldova into its sphere of influence.

Tainted Russian Oil As Another Argument for Diversifying Supplies to Central Europe

Tainted Russian Oil As Another Argument for Diversifying Supplies to Central Europe

In April 2019, the contaminated petroleum supply was reported to have flown to Central and Eastern Europe through the Druzhba pipeline, forcing all countries in the region to halt oil flows and make use of their crude reserves. The largest oil crisis in the region constitutes yet another argument in favor of diversifying crude supplies to Poland and neighboring countries.

Warsaw Institute at the “Polska Wielki Projekt” Congress

Warsaw Institute at the “Polska Wielki Projekt” Congress

Congress Polska Wielki Projekt is an event gathering politicians, scientists, journalists, entrepreneurs and representatives of non-governmental organizations, so that they can share their experiences and vision of Poland’s future in the interests of its best interest. This year’s 9th edition of the Congress was also attended by representatives of the Warsaw Institute and The Warsaw Institute Review.

Russia Responds to Trump-Duda Summit Fearing U.S.-Made Reaper Drones

Russia Responds to Trump-Duda Summit Fearing U.S.-Made Reaper Drones

As expected, what was concluded at the U.S.-Poland meeting has received an immediate reaction from Moscow, whose political elites lambasted Poland for mounting tensions in the region while accusing Warsaw of implementing Washington’s aggressive policy. The Kremlin’s rhetoric is nothing new, given Russia’s stance towards cementing strategic cooperation between Poland and the United States.

Lukoil Adds Offshore Congo Project to Its African Portfolio

Lukoil Adds Offshore Congo Project to Its African Portfolio

Lukoil, known as one of Russia’s largest oil firms, has invested in yet another African country, acquiring interests in the Marine XII licence offshore in the Republic of Congo for $800 million. This is how much Lukoil paid for buying a 25-percent stake in the hydrocarbon project operated by Italian oil and gas company Eni. Lukoil’s move has marked the beginning of its expansion in the Republic of Congo.

Chinese Delegation Visits Moscow: “Best Friends” United By Common Enemy

Chinese Delegation Visits Moscow: “Best Friends” United By Common Enemy

The motive of Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia and a leading role played by a Chinese delegation at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum were the Russian-Chinese shared struggles against what was called Donald Trump’s aggressive economic policy. Beijing has made demonstrative efforts to cement its relations with Moscow to gain an argument in its trade war with the United States.

Sudan Crackdown: China and Russia Back Ruling Military Junta

Sudan Crackdown: China and Russia Back Ruling Military Junta

Russian and Chinese leaders’ verbal declarations on their shared approach to vital international issues have recently been put into action, as exemplified by a stance adopted jointly by Beijing and Moscow toward the Sudan crackdown. This is where Russia and China earlier had backed the regime of Omar al-Bashir.

Rosneft’s Sechin Criticizes Washington, Putin Outlines Preferable Crude Price

Rosneft’s Sechin Criticizes Washington, Putin Outlines Preferable Crude Price

The situation on the global oil market was in the agenda of this year’s economic forum in St Petersburg. The head of the largest Russian state-run oil company considered U.S.-led policy as the main nuisance to the global energy market while the CEO of the country’s most prominent private-held firm said what could become an optimal crude oil for Russia.

Warsaw Institute’s Expert in Politico – Relations Between Russia and China

Warsaw Institute’s Expert in Politico – Relations Between Russia and China

Grzegorz Kuczyński – Director of Eurasia Program and Expert at Warsaw Institute was quoted in South China Morning Post report on the deepening economic relations between Russia and China and their impact on the United States. The text was also provided by the Politico portal as part of the partnership with South China Morning Post.

Book Published by The Warsaw Institute Awarded in Romania

Book Published by The Warsaw Institute Awarded in Romania

A bilingual Polish–Romanian publication titled Lucjan Skupiewski biografia społeczno-polityczna/Lucian Skupiewski biografie social-politică [Lucjan Skupiewski: Social and political biography] has recently been awarded by a leading Romanian history magazine Magazin Istoric.

Pope Francis Visits Romania

Pope Francis Visits Romania

Meetings with authorities and hierarchs of the Orthodox Church and, above all, a congregational prayer with believers of different religions. The pilgrimage of Pope Francis to Romania has ended.

Finland’s New Coalition Government Stance on Security

Finland’s New Coalition Government Stance on Security

Finland’s recently formed centre-left coalition government has just presented its programme. As far as the notion of security is concerned, in general, the so-called “balance policy” is to be maintained. This, in turn, means that Finland will keep the status of a non-bloc country and continue military cooperation with the EU, NATO and Sweden.
