British 5G network without the involvement of Huawei

British 5G network without the involvement of Huawei

On July 14 the British government decided to exclude the Chinese company Huawei from the possibility of co-creating the national 5G telecommunications network. Under the new regulations, the purchase of Huawei’s 5G equipment will be completely banned as of December 31, 2020.

Beijing’s influence on journalists

Beijing’s influence on journalists

A report entitled “The China Story: Reshaping the World’s Media” was published at the end of June. It presents data from surveys conducted among international journalists working in China. They point to attempts to influence their work and texts on the situation in the Middle Kingdom as well as to the use of soft power.

Supporters of the Baltic Fund project

Supporters of the Baltic Fund project

We encourage you to back the Baltic Fund. We address mainly state officials, experts, scholars, journalists, representatives of non-governmental organizations, as well as any person taking an interest in the initiative.

Who is afraid of Poland’s alliance with the US?

Who is afraid of Poland’s alliance with the US?

At the end of 2022, when the Yamal contract expires, Poland will become independent from Russia in terms of energy. It will strengthen our independence and security even more. This is possible thanks to the alliance with the United States.
