Russia Monitor Articles
Dry-Dock Breakdown Complicates Kremlin’s Naval Plans

Dry-Dock Breakdown Complicates Kremlin’s Naval Plans

A floating dry deck has recently sunk in the Russian city of Murmansk while holding Russia’s sole aircraft carrier aboard. The incident is thus likely to complicate the Fleet’s plans to refurbish its largest naval vessels and impede Russia’s program for a potential war with the United States.

U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry Visits Poland: Bad News for Russia’s Gazprom

U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry Visits Poland: Bad News for Russia’s Gazprom

The latest visit of the U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry to Poland shows that Poland is expected to be an important partner of the USA in terms of energy cooperation. So far, the ever-increasing alliance concerns primarily gas issues, as exemplified by LNG contracts and the two countries’ joint standpoint on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline

Russian-Austrian Problem with the GRU in the Background

Russian-Austrian Problem with the GRU in the Background

The latest espionage scandal may bring about more serious consequences to Moscow than all earlier similar instances, perceived as much more controversial ones. This time, the incident took place in Austria, a state that was to play a key role in the Kremlin’s strategy, aiming to change the EU policy towards Russia.

Russia’s FSB Shaken by Regional Reshuffles

Russia’s FSB Shaken by Regional Reshuffles

Recent personnel reshuffles took place at three FSB regional offices while two of them, Kaliningrad and Crimea, seemed extremely important from the point of view of intelligence and counterintelligence security. The Kremlin’s latest decision aims to put an end to local criminal and political ties.

Russia and Cuba: United in the Face of a Common Enemy

Russia and Cuba: United in the Face of a Common Enemy

Cuba’s new President recently paid a visit to Moscow, giving the green light to the further advancement of Russian-Cuban cooperation. Over the past few years, Moscow and Havana sought to enhance their economic and energy ties while they now draw attention to developing military ties.

Spy Hunting in Russia

Spy Hunting in Russia

Russian special services have detained another person convicted of high treason. It is about a young expert of a private military think tank whose interests included the activities of Russian mercenaries. Interestingly enough, over the past few months, there emerged a couple of similar cases that had at least three aspects in common.

The Kremlin to Strengthen Russia’s Far East

The Kremlin to Strengthen Russia’s Far East

Vladimir Putin signed a presidential decree on adding the Republic of Buryatia and Zabaykalsky Krai to the Far Eastern Federal District. The President’s decision came amid poor results of the recent regional elections held in this part of the country. At the same time, Putin sought to stress out that the region is a top priority for the Kremlin.

Taliban Delegation to Visit Moscow

Taliban Delegation to Visit Moscow

Taliban delegation will attend peace talks scheduled to take place in Moscow. Yet it seems that this time, the Russian initiative will bring about better results than the two previous ones. Moscow’s diplomatic effortsclearly depicts that the Kremlin may play an increasingly important role in Afghanistan.

Russia’s New Weapon: Putin Did Not Keep His Word

Russia’s New Weapon: Putin Did Not Keep His Word

According to Russian information agencies, quoting sources in the country’s armaments industry, the new generation inter-continental ballistic missile Sarmat is scheduled to enter duty no sooner than in 2021. Back in May this year, President Vladimir Putin announced that the Russian army was expected to receive a weapon in 2020.

Putin Voices Solid Support for GRU Military Intelligence

Putin Voices Solid Support for GRU Military Intelligence

Vladimir Putin’s presence in a ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of Russia’s military intelligence services – as well as his speech – clearly indicate that the GRU should not be afraid of any purges, even in the face of a series of mishaps that have occurred over the past few months.

Gazprom and Ukraine Face Another Litigation over Gas Supplies

Gazprom and Ukraine Face Another Litigation over Gas Supplies

Russian state-owned gas giant Gazprom has filed an appeal against Ukraine to an international arbitration tribunal. It was about a fine imposed on Russia’s firm almost three years ago by the country’s Antimonopoly Committee for allegedly abusing its position in the gas transit through Ukrainian pipelines.

Moscow Hopes for Iraq’s New Government

Moscow Hopes for Iraq’s New Government

Iraq has still to face a long process of forming its government. It seems that the country’s ruling team will pursue even a more open policy towards Russia than the previous one. Moscow hopes to deepen its military and economic partnership with Iraq as there has even emerged an offer to set the Russian permanent military presence in Iraq.

Russia to “Launder” Iranian Oil?

Russia to “Launder” Iranian Oil?

In April this year, it became clear that the United States would impose severe sanctions against Iran’s oil sector. Since that time, Tehran sought to circumvent the blockade of its black gold exports to the outer markets. Naturally, Russia is perceived as the country’s greatest ally in this respect. Moscow has always emphasized its reluctance towards U.S. sanctions while offering help to Iran.
