Romania Monitor Articles
The Most Expensive Bridge in Romanian History

The Most Expensive Bridge in Romanian History

The bridge will enable travelling from Brăila to the other side of the Danube. Currently, only a ferry sails on this route which is inconvenient not only for dwellers, but also for transport. The bridge has been planned for years but the investment has been postponed due to huge costs. Now, there is a chance for its construction. First preparatory works have already started. The investment worth 433 million euro is to be ready in four years.

Dodon attempts to rekindle dialogue with Transnistria

Dodon attempts to rekindle dialogue with Transnistria

Transnistria is a quasi-state, that is, a separatist political entity located within the borders of the Republic of Moldova. From 1990 to 2018, despite many attempts made not only by the government in Chisinau, but also by some international organisations such as the OSCE or the EU, the idea of the unification of Moldova and Transnistria has failed miserably.

Green Light to Romania in Schengen

Green Light to Romania in Schengen

A vote on the accession of Romania as well as its southern neighbour Bulgaria to the Schengen zone was conducted by the European Parliament. 514 MEPs were for, 107 were against and 38 abstained. So is the opening of Romanian borders with Hungary a matter of time?

Romania Blocked the Critical Text of EU about Moldova

Romania Blocked the Critical Text of EU about Moldova

According to sources of Radio Free Europe (RFE), Romanian and Hungarian diplomats blocked the possibility of presenting critical conclusions about Moldova during the meeting of the European Union (EU) Foreign Affairs Council which will take place on December 10 in Brussels.

Dispute Over Ministers

Dispute Over Ministers

A serious dispute between the government and the president. The Social Democratic Party (PSD) accuses the head of state of blocking nominations to the posts of ministers of Transport and of Regional Development. According to politicians from the ruling party, this disables the further development of motorways.

Together but separate: Romania celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Great Union

Together but separate: Romania celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Great Union

On December 1, Romania held celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of the Great Union. The official slogan of the event was “sărbătorim împreună”, which means “we celebrate together”. At the end of the day, things did not really work out as planned. Government officials associated with the PSD-ALDE coalition participated in the celebrations held in Bucharest.

Another Amendment to the Romanian Budget. More Influences, a Larger Deficit

Another Amendment to the Romanian Budget. More Influences, a Larger Deficit

The Romanian government presented the newest version of the budget allowing for the changing economic conditions of the state. The incomes were estimated at 272 billion lei which with the three percent deficit amounts to about 300 billion lei (about USD 73 billion/EUR 64 billion) of expenses. This is 10.7 billion more than it was initially planned

Changes in the Government and More

Changes in the Government and More

The board of the Social Democratic Party decided on the personnel changes in the government. New leaders of eight ministries were introduced. But this is not the end of changes in the party which is co-governing Romania.

Romania Moves Closer to Joining Schengen

Romania Moves Closer to Joining Schengen

For years, Romania, similarly to neighbouring Bulgaria, has been unsuccessfully trying to join the Schengen Area. In an interview published in Adevărul, Romania’s daily newspaper, President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani has declared that he is looking forward to finalising the matter. He has also announced that he is going to appeal to certain EU countries that block Romania’s accession to the Schengen Area.

Romania’s High Economic Growth is not All That Counts

Romania’s High Economic Growth is not All That Counts

Romania’s economic growth reached over 4% in the third quarter of 2018. In fact, Romania is one of the few European Union member states that can actually boast about such good economic results. However, Romania’s GDP is not the only thing that matters, because there are other highly alarming economic indicators that should also be taken into account.

Romania Faces Turmoil After the EU Parliament Resolution

Romania Faces Turmoil After the EU Parliament Resolution

On November 13, the EP adopted a resolution expressing its “deep concern” about Romania’s judicial reform. Once published, the EU official document caused great turmoil. The fieriest speech was delivered by former Justice Minister Florin whose statement was additionally reinforced by a double middle finger gesture,

Close Relations Between Romania and the United Kingdom

Close Relations Between Romania and the United Kingdom

There is a significant number of UK residents who are deeply worried about the spectre of Brexit. Meanwhile, the British Government is struggling to ensure that the potential exit from the European Union will not change the UK’s position in the international arena.

Romanians Prefer Emigrating to Receiving Immigrants

Romanians Prefer Emigrating to Receiving Immigrants

According to data recently published by Eurostat, Romania is one of the EU countries which receives the smallest number of immigrants. At the same time, Romanians are one of the most willing nations to emigrate in search of a job.
