Baltic Rim Monitor Articles
A Controversial Visit: President of Estonia Meets with Putin at the Kremlin

A Controversial Visit: President of Estonia Meets with Putin at the Kremlin

The Moscow meeting between Kersti Kaljulaid and Vladimir Putin has put an end to Russia’s long-time diplomatic isolation from the NATO member states that are heavily exposed to the Russian threat, namely the three Baltic states. Not only has the visit of the Estonian president attracted a lot of criticism in her home country, but it has also pushed many to question the goals and the general meaning behind such a meeting.

Russian in Estonian Uniform: Once Decorated, Now Suspected of Treason

Russian in Estonian Uniform: Once Decorated, Now Suspected of Treason

The Estonian Internal Security Service (Estonian: Kaitsepolitsei, KAPO for short) announced that it has detained its former officer suspected of spying for Russia. The man is a Russian who used to serve in the police and KAPO after Estonia regained its independence. He was once a highly-regarded officer who decided to leave the service in 2012. It seems very likely that shortly afterwards he was recruited by Russia’s intelligence agency.

Mayor of Riga Dismissed from Office: Polish Clue, Russian Failure

Mayor of Riga Dismissed from Office: Polish Clue, Russian Failure

Although a several month-long anti-corruption investigation in Latvia’s capital city has not yet come to an end, the Mayor of Riga has already fallen victim to the enquiry. The decision to dismiss Nils Ušakovs from office was made by the Minister for Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia, who is granted such a power by law.

Estonia: Minority Government or Exotic Coalition?

Estonia: Minority Government or Exotic Coalition?

Although it has been over a month since parliamentary elections were held in Estonia, a new government still has not been formed. Contrary to earlier expectations, the two largest parties in the new Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) have not reached an agreement. What is more, it seems very likely that the victorious Reform Party will end up in the opposition.

Night Wolves in Finland, Defence Chief Warns Against Russia

Night Wolves in Finland, Defence Chief Warns Against Russia

The Night Wolves, a Russian motorcycle club which is friends with Vladimir Putin and has been subject to U.S. sanctions, started operating in Finland at the beginning of the year. This is yet another manifestation of Russia’s hybrid activities in this Nordic country and a warning signal for Finnish security services, which have recently been very preoccupied with the increased activity of Russian agents.

Secret services of Sweden and Estonia: Russia is the biggest threat

Secret services of Sweden and Estonia: Russia is the biggest threat

In the 2018 report of SÄPO secret services published in March, Russia was indicated as the main danger to the security of Sweden. Similarly, according to the report of the Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service, Russia is the only dangerous threat to the security of the region, including the sovereignty of Estonia and other Baltic states.

Finnish Security Services Granted Broader Powers

Finnish Security Services Granted Broader Powers

The Finnish Parliament has approved two bills that will expand the surveillance powers of the country’s security services. The draft legislation has been prepared by the government which argues that the adoption of the new bills is necessary in order to increase national security and to effectively fight against terrorism, espionage and the activities of foreign military.

Elections in Lithuania. Parties Lose, Social Committees Benefit

Elections in Lithuania. Parties Lose, Social Committees Benefit

The right-wing opposition won the local elections in Lithuania, narrowly beating two co-ruling groupings at the central level. However, as many as a quarter of votes went to local social committees. The main grouping representing Lithuanian Poles which in part of the country run for elections in coalition with the Russian Alliance has lost.

Estonia: Failure of the Party Supported by Russians

Estonia: Failure of the Party Supported by Russians

It appears that the centre-right Centre Party will not have a PM, and it is possible that it will be even degraded to the opposition. The liberal Reform Party won the parliamentary elections in Estonia. But the eurosceptic EKRE party had the most impressive result. All parties agree that the EU and NATO are the pillars of security and foreign policy of Estonia.

Elections in Estonia: The Left And Liberals Among Favourites

Elections in Estonia: The Left And Liberals Among Favourites

On Sunday, March 3, parliamentary elections will be held in Estonia. All indications suggest that Prime Minister Jüri Ratas from the Centre Party, which, as a matter of fact, has the highest ratings in opinion polls, will stay in power. It is highly probable that after the elections the party will enter into a coalition with the current largest opposition party, the Reform Party.

Russian Spy Detained in Sweden

Russian Spy Detained in Sweden

A spy scandal in Sweden. An employee of a Swedish high-tech company, who had reportedly been recruited by Russia’s intelligence service to spy for Moscow, has recently been detained in Stockholm, the Swedish Security Service reports. This is yet another case of the detainment of a Russian spy in Europe.

Fighter Jet Incident in the Baltic Sea: Sweden Summons Russian Ambassador

Fighter Jet Incident in the Baltic Sea: Sweden Summons Russian Ambassador

The Russian Air Force is getting more and more aggressive not only towards NATO aircraft, but also towards neutral Sweden. On February 19, a dangerous incident occurred in international air space over the Baltic Sea – a Russian fighter jet approached a Swedish reconnaissance plane at a distance of less than 20 metres.

Swedbank Allegedly Involved in Money Laundering Scandal

Swedbank Allegedly Involved in Money Laundering Scandal

A gigantic scandal involving the laundering of huge amounts of money mainly through the Estonian branch of Denmark’s Danske Bank is beginning to unfold. As it turns out, Swedbank, one of the largest Swedish banks, has also been involved in the money laundering procedure. Moreover, some new light has been shed on the so-called Magnitsky case.

Sweden is Preparing for the Russian Invasion

Sweden is Preparing for the Russian Invasion

Stockholm sounded the alarm: Russia is preparing for a large-scale war and the aggressive policy of Moscow threatens Sweden as well. This is the reason for the political consensus to continue, or even increase the pace of the reconstruction of the Kingdom’s military potential. At least four factors point that Russia is preparing for a great conflict.
