Russia Monitor Monthly 7/23

War or Peace? Erdogan Flies to Moscow for Syria Talks

War or Peace? Erdogan Flies to Moscow for Syria Talks

When it became clear that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will head to Moscow, as Putin has no plan to visit Istanbul, and the Ankara-sought meeting will not involve German and French leaders, it seemed that the Kremlin had outfoxed Turkey.

Russia Launches Syrian Express Operation as Turkey Attacks in Idlib

Russia Launches Syrian Express Operation as Turkey Attacks in Idlib

As earlier announced, Ankara pressed ahead with a military campaign in Syria’s Idlib province. In late February, there expired a deadline given by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad to withdraw from areas it had taken over after the offensive into Damascus.

China in the Caucasus

China in the Caucasus

Even though China entered this region only after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, today, this state is especially significant to the economy of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

China in the Estonian Intelligence report

China in the Estonian Intelligence report

The fifth edition of the annual report of the Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service called “International Security And Estonia” has been published in February 2020.

Russia Poses Greater Threat to Georgia

Russia Poses Greater Threat to Georgia

In its policy toward Georgia, Russia is seeking to prevent Tbilisi from forging a close alliance with the United States while blocking the Caucasian country’s bid for NATO membership.
