Russia Monitor Monthly 7/23

Hungary to Join TurkStream Gas Pipeline

Hungary to Join TurkStream Gas Pipeline

The supervisory board of Hungary’s pipeline operator FGSZ greenlighted a plan of investment into the construction of a gas pipeline to Serbia by October 2021, the company said in a statement.

Lukoil Starts Drilling in the Caspian Sea

Lukoil Starts Drilling in the Caspian Sea

Russian oil major Lukoil said it has started drilling of an exploration well at the Shirotno-Rakushechnaya prospect structure north of the V.I. Grayfer oilfield. The company has also begun to study Khazri and Titonskaya features in the south of the same sea area.

Russia Is Afraid of U.S. Troops Moving from Germany to Poland

Russia Is Afraid of U.S. Troops Moving from Germany to Poland

The Trump administration agreed that an additional 1,000 U.S. troops would be added to Poland, the sole outcome of the latest round of the U.S.-Polish talks that confirmed what the two parties had concluded a year ago. In Moscow, many say that would push the balance of power throughout the region in favor of NATO countries.

Will America Punish Germany?

Will America Punish Germany?

Claiming that Berlin is not paying enough towards NATO, on 15th June 2020 President Donald Trump declared a reduction in the number of U.S. troops stationed in Germany. If his words become reality, the contingent of US soldiers stationed in the NATO’s northern flank will be diminished by as much as 9 500.

Chinese dilemmas in NATO

Chinese dilemmas in NATO

The strategic competition between the United States and the People’s Republic of China will be the most serious test for the North Atlantic Alliance in the upcoming decades. The maintenance of stability in Europe and, globally, the future of the West as the dominant actor in international relations will depend on the ability to find a compromise within NATO, and more broadly – at the level of transatlantic relations.

President of the Warsaw Institute Foundation comments for El País

President of the Warsaw Institute Foundation comments for El País

Julia Grzybowska, President of the Warsaw Institute Foundation, spoke to the Spanish daily El País about the consensus among the majority of the Polish political class and society for increasing the presence of US troops in Poland in the context of President Andrzej Duda’s visit to Washington.

Trump’s peace plan in the Middle East – summary of the debate

Trump’s peace plan in the Middle East – summary of the debate

On 28th January 2020 the US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented the “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People” plan. Due to the fact that the negotiations did not include the Palestinian side, the Plan was rejected by the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas and the Arab League.

Paul Whelan: A Victim of FSB Provocation

Paul Whelan: A Victim of FSB Provocation

There is yet another sign that Paul Whelan, the former marine detained on spy charges, was taken as collateral in negotiations to free Russian agents being held in U.S. prisons. The American is not going to appeal his prison sentence, his lawyer said.

The Epoch Times cites the Warsaw Institute

The Epoch Times cites the Warsaw Institute

In its text on the Polish President Andrzej Duda’s visit to USA, The Epoch Times cited an article from Warsaw Institute by the Polish Ambassador in Washington Piotr Wilczek.
