Preparations for the adoption of the 2021-2025 Five-Year Plan

Preparations for the adoption of the 2021-2025 Five-Year Plan

The 2021-2025 Five-Year Plan and the Economic and Social Development Plan with its 2035 targets will be the focal points of the agenda of the fall plenary. In many respects, these decisions will be unique because China has not faced so many complex challenges since the beginning of its economic transition under the CCP.

Day 54 & 55 – Polish plan for Belarus approved by European Council | Belarus reciprocally sanctions EU

Day 54 & 55 – Polish plan for Belarus approved by European Council | Belarus reciprocally sanctions EU

On Friday, Polish PM – Mateusz Morawiecki, announced that the European Council had approved the Polish “economic plan for a democratic Belarus”. He added that organisations such as International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank will hopefully be involved.

Day 53 – Merkel to meet Tikhanovskaya

Day 53 – Merkel to meet Tikhanovskaya

Further to Macron’s meeting with Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, Angela Merkel said to German MPs on Wednesday that she looked forward to meeting Tikhanovskaya “soon”. Moreover, she praised Belarusian women on standing against the regime, saying that she found it “really impressive”. The legitimate president of Belarus will visit Berlin on 5 October.

A Round Table Discussion on Belarus

A Round Table Discussion on Belarus

A debate entitled “The Round Table on Belarus” organized by the Warsaw Institute Foundation and the editorial board of The Warsaw Institute Review quarterly, with the participation of the most important Polish think tanks, took place on September 30.

China Plans to Build the First University Campus in Hungary

China Plans to Build the First University Campus in Hungary

On December 16, 2019, the Minister for Innovation and Technology of Hungary – László Palkovics, and the rector of Fudan University – Xu Ningsheng, signed an agreement in Shanghai to establish the first foreign Fudan campus in Budapest. In mid-September 2020, there were also reports in the Hungarian media that the campus is to be completed by 2024 with a goal of educating 5-6 thousand students.

Why Putin Does Not Want To Annex Belarus

Why Putin Does Not Want To Annex Belarus

Regardless of what might be either illusionary or real plans of the Russian and Belarusian leaders to unify the two countries, polls found that the idea enjoys limited popularity, notably in Belarus. The Kremlin hopes to avoid the rise in anti-Russian moods in Belarus, thus being wary of some themes, though, of course, it backs Lukashenko’s regime.

Day 52 – Macron meets Tsikhanouskaya, further western sanctions, Russian intelligence chief warns

Day 52 – Macron meets Tsikhanouskaya, further western sanctions, Russian intelligence chief warns

On Tuesday, September 29, Minsk hosted the Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia. Due to coronavirus pandemic, the Russian delegation participated in it only remotely. The presidents of both countries spoke during the Forum. Alexander Lukashenko announced that Belarus is ready to talk to Russia about all proposals that strengthen economic security.
