The First Quad Meeting in 2021

The First Quad Meeting in 2021

The Foreign Ministers of the member countries of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QSD, or Quad) forum, comprising Australia, India, Japan, and the United States, held a meeting on February 18, 2021. This initiative is seen as an effort to offset China’s growing military and economic power.

Warsaw Institute’s President’s speech for the Poland In program

Warsaw Institute’s President’s speech for the Poland In program

The last NATO summit in Brussels and the Alliance’s defense strategy against disinformation and hybrid threats were the subject of the speech by the President of the Warsaw Institute Foundation, Tomasz Kijewski, in the World News Guest program broadcasted by the English-language public television Poland In.

Russian Fleet Holds Naval Drills in Indian Ocean

Russian Fleet Holds Naval Drills in Indian Ocean

Russia is carrying out naval drills involving many countries off the Pakistan coast simultaneously with other maneuvers in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman. Two units of the Russian navy took part. Moscow is showing interest and flexing military muscle in the Indian Ocean, not only in support of Iran.

A Number of Generals Quit Russia’s National Guard

A Number of Generals Quit Russia’s National Guard

Top generals in charge of key Rosgvardia boards and department have recently filed their resignation from the National Guard. No other Russian power structure has ever experienced such a wave of dismissals among its senior officers. What is the reason? Rosgvardia declined to comment, but there are two top plausible reasons behind this.

Rosneft’s Net Profit Drops Dramatically

Rosneft’s Net Profit Drops Dramatically

Poor financial performance is not surprising for the biggest Russian oil business as 2020 was a horrible year for the whole industry, the CEO of Rosneft Igor Sechin told at the meeting with Vladimir Putin. It is hard to expect the Russian leader to scold the businessman.

Russia Reports Biggest Increase in Mortality in 70 Years

Russia Reports Biggest Increase in Mortality in 70 Years

Russia noted a dramatic surge in mortality in 2020 fuelled by the coronavirus pandemic. The latest figures from the federal statistics agency Rosstat are far more pessimistic than those so far reported by the government. According to critics of the authorities, these rushed too much to ease lockdown measures last summer, which resulted in a uptick in new infections and deaths.

Public Opinion on China in European and V4 Countries – Podcast

Public Opinion on China in European and V4 Countries – Podcast

The November report “European public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19. Differences and common ground across the continent” prepared by the Central European Institute of Asian Studies (CEIAS), a Slovak think tank, presents interesting data on the attitudes of European citizens, including the members of the Visegrad Group (V4), towards China.

A Record-Breaking Deal in the Russian Oil Sector

A Record-Breaking Deal in the Russian Oil Sector

Only recently has it been made public that Rosneft and NNK, a firm owned by Eduard Khudainatov, were involved in a deal to purchase oil fields in the Taymyr peninsula. In fact, it is all about swapping oil-rich deposits of crucial importance for Rosneft’s flagship project and already drilled fields elsewhere in Russia.

U.S and Russian Bombers In Tug-of-war Over Arctic

U.S and Russian Bombers In Tug-of-war Over Arctic

The U.S. Air Force said it was preparing to deploy bombers B-1 to Norway for the first time. Shortly after, Russia informed its strategic bombers had flown for several hours over this part of the Arctic. These events show again that the Norway-Russia border and the seas nearby are turning into another strain in NATO-Russia ties.

Russian Plane Violated NATO Airspace Over Baltic Sea

Russian Plane Violated NATO Airspace Over Baltic Sea

A Russian military cargo plane has violated Estonia’s airspace, an incident that prompted the country’s authorities to hand Russia’s ambassador a protest note. Moscow denies any incident took place. As NATO’s easternmost territory, Estonia is an obstacle for a military connection between the Kaliningrad exclave and the rest of Russia.

Joe Biden’s Victory and US Relations with Central and Eastern European Countries

Joe Biden’s Victory and US Relations with Central and Eastern European Countries

The victory of Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the battle for the presidency of the United States, caused concerns among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) about the future cooperation with the new administration. The upcoming presidency will focus on, among others, reversing Donald Trump’s decisions. Will the relations with CEE countries share a similar fate?

Beijing is Reaching Out to the US

Beijing is Reaching Out to the US

Recently, authorities in Beijing have been signaling that they are ready for cooperation and a fresh start in relations with Washington and the Joe Biden administration. The Chinese officials are very conciliatory and portray the PRC as a non-confrontational party that is reaching out to the new US administration and encouraging it to abandon the former policy of the White House which Beijing perceives as “confrontational.”

Tensions Across the Taiwan Strait

Tensions Across the Taiwan Strait

Chinese warplanes, including the H-6K bombers and four J-16 fighter jets, entered Taiwan’s airspace on Saturday, January 23. The administration of Joe Biden immediately backed the island nation. Consequently, tensions between Washington and Beijing will escalate once again.

Huawei in Poland and Hungary. Could it be a part of 5G? – Podcast

Huawei in Poland and Hungary. Could it be a part of 5G? – Podcast

Since the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, Huawei has achieved a leading position on the markets of the Visegrád Group, both in terms of digital infrastructure and mobile devices. During Donald Trump’s presidency (2017-2021), the US authorities made extensive diplomatic efforts to eliminate Huawei from the European Union’s (EU) 5G infrastructure, pointing to political and intelligence threats and the company’s cooperation with the Communist Party of China.
