Warsaw Institute Expert interview for El País Internacional

Warsaw Institute Expert interview for El País Internacional

Grzegorz Kuczyński, Director of Eurasia Program in Warsaw Institute (Poland) gave an interview to the El Pais International. In the article entitled “Polish ultraconservatives face re-election” by Paula Chouza, there are answers to questions about Russia’s threat towards Europe and the military relationship between Warsaw and Washington.

“Post-Soviet” EU Serves Russian Interests

“Post-Soviet” EU Serves Russian Interests

The Eurasian Economic Community, known as EAEC, was poised to become somewhat a response to the European Union, or a free-trade institution in the post-Soviet region. The past four years have seen an increase in the trade exchange between EAEC member countries, far higher than before launching the organization. Even though it remains on a relatively low level, unable to depict progressive economic integration. The community’s goal is first and foremost to serve Russian economic expansion.

U.S. Sanctions Hit Chinese Company

U.S. Sanctions Hit Chinese Company

The Donald Trump administration has blacklisted China’s COSCO Shipping Tanker (Dalian) and its affiliated unit COSCO Shipping Tanker (Dalian) Seaman & Ship Management. And though U.S. punitive measures failed to cover the whole company –– known worldwide as one of the biggest container ship owners –– they have yet caused significant market turmoil while, quite unexpectedly, striking a blow to a Russian LNG venture.

Turkey’s Invasion of the Kurds: Russia-Backed Al-Assad Likely to Triumph

Turkey’s Invasion of the Kurds: Russia-Backed Al-Assad Likely to Triumph

Abandoned by their U.S. ally, the Syrian Kurds can quickly forge a new alliance. As Trump no longer holds interest in upholding a coalition with the belligerent militia that served a leading role in defeating Daesh, these could agree on cooperation with Moscow and Damascus. Facing the Turkish incursion, the Syrian Kurds may make concessions in their talks with the Al Assad regime. Earlier, the Kurds –– shelled by the Turkey-led coalition –– had agreed with the Syrian government forces. While dealing with the Turkish assault, they may opt for the lesser evil, recognizing Damascus’s sovereignty and a more limited autonomy for their people.

Congress 590 – Overview

Congress 590 – Overview

“Congress 590” is the largest event in Poland devoted to economic development, and since its very beginning has been supported by the Warsaw Institute and the Warsaw Institute Review. On this occasion, we appeared as content and media partners.

China Gets First Oil Cargo from Russia’s Arctic

China Gets First Oil Cargo from Russia’s Arctic

For the first time in history, Russia’s Arctic oil volumes have been delivered to the Asian market in a rare trade shipment on the Northern Sea Route. Lukoil’s trading arm, Litasco, sold the cargo of 100,000 tonnes of Varandey Blend oil to Chinaoil, the trading branch of state-owned CNPC. The delivery was made by the tanker Korolev Prospect in mid-September.

Rostec CEO Chemezov Gathers Steam

Rostec CEO Chemezov Gathers Steam

CEO of Russia’s state hi-tech corporation Rostec Sergey Chemezov has been awarded the Hero of the Russian Federation medal. He has been handed out the highest state awards by President Vladimir Putin for his “outstanding contribution to the development od the defense and industrial conglomerate and raising the country’s defense capabilities.”

Estonia: Former KaPo Officer Convicted of Spying for Russia

Estonia: Former KaPo Officer Convicted of Spying for Russia

A court in Tallinn has found a former officer of Estonia’s Internal Security Service (KaPo) guilty of cooperating with Russian intelligence services. A bit earlier, a court in Tartu had convicted a Russian citizen of spying for Moscow. Both judgements have already entered into force. The spies were detained in the spring of 2019 – they have been added to an ever-growing list of people collaborating with Russia’s special services who have been captured, tried and sentenced to prison for acting against Estonia.
