Data: 13.08.2019
Koniec Traktatu INF jest dobry dla Europy – wypowiedź dla amerykańskiego National Review
Grzegorz Kuczyński, Dyrektor programu Eurasia w Warsaw Institute (Polska) oraz Marcin Gawęda, Prezes The Warsaw Institute Foundation (USA), udzielili wywiadu amerykańskiemu konserwatywnemu pismu National Review. W artykule pt. „The End of the INF Treaty Is Good for Europe” autorstwa Christopher’a Tremoglie’a, pojawiają się odpowiedzi dlaczego koniec układu pomiędzy Rosją a USA nie jest zły dla Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej.
Fragmenty z wypowiedziami Grzegorza Kuczyńskiego, Dyrektora programu Eurasia w Warsaw Institute (Polska):
“In the short term, Russia is gaining the advantage, because it already has medium-range missiles in Europe, while NATO has not. But this situation can change quite quickly, as in Reagan’s time. The American missiles will reach Europe, and the situation will be tied, not in favor of Russia. And the loss will be obvious — because the INF issue is another issue that prevents Putin from resetting relations with the U.S.”
“If Western Europe does not want to take medium-range missiles from the U.S., it will go to Poland and other countries of NATO’s eastern flank. Theoretically, you can even scare Russia with their deployment in Ukraine. Or in Georgia.”
„The end of the treaty hardly makes Russia a greater threat to Eastern Europe than it already was. First of all, it is mostly in the range of Russian [short-range] missiles. Secondly, Russian rockets are aimed at Eastern Europe anyway — for example, Iskanders near Kaliningrad.”
Fragment z wypowiedzią Marcina Gawędy, Prezesa The Warsaw Institute Foundation (USA):
“Poland may become a hub redistributing security to the whole region. This strongly limits Russia and its possible ambitions in Central and Eastern Europe. And it supports the American presence.”