Russia Monitor Monthly 7/23

Russia’s Lukoil Makes Higher Profit

Russia’s Lukoil Makes Higher Profit

Though bereft of much of financial favors from the state, Lukoil, one of the biggest Russian oil firms, reported good commercial results for 2019, even despite falling oil prices.

Chinese humiliation in the Czech Republic

Chinese humiliation in the Czech Republic

With the increasing number of coronavirus infected people in Europe, China supports the chaotic West. However, help is not always what it seems to be and often the hidden agenda of the action taken is revealed.

The oil earthquake

The oil earthquake

The collapse of the market is caused not only by the reduction in fuel demand worldwide, but also by the price war between Saudi Arabia and the Russian Federation. And this one continues at its best.

Warsaw Institute’s expert live on Polish national tv

Warsaw Institute’s expert live on Polish national tv

Grzegorz Kuczynski, Warsaw Institute’s expert in Eurasian and Russian politics has taken part in a live broadcast on Polish national channel (TVP Info) on the 22nd of March, 2020. There, he spoke about the issue of Russian manipulations related to the number of COVID-19 cases inside the country.

China expels American journalists

China expels American journalists

On Wednesday, March 18, the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs announced that the correspondents of the three biggest American dailies – the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times and the Washington Post – would lose their accreditations and would not be able to work in China.

China and the end of the high growth dreams

China and the end of the high growth dreams

The drastic deterioration of the economic situation in China is indicated both by official government data and foreign statistics. In February, the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) in Chinese industry fell from 50 to 35.7 points, which is the lowest level since the global financial crisis in 2008 (38.8 points).

China’s financial support for Syria

China’s financial support for Syria

China made a donation which will cover the realisation of humanitarian projects. This is another step of Beijing aiming to increase its political influence in the Middle East.

Warsaw Institute’ expert in the

Warsaw Institute’ expert in the

On March 12, 2020, the Warsaw Institute expert – Jakub Lachert appeared in the ‘’ TV program, where he, together with other invited guests commented on the current situation in the Western Balkans.

Disinformation Is Contagious

Disinformation Is Contagious

As disinformation comes before fear, worry and anxiety are on the rise, allowing conspiracy theories to proliferate.

Warsaw Insitute in the Poland In’s TV Studio

Warsaw Insitute in the Poland In’s TV Studio

On March 6, 2020, the editor of Poland In – Bartek Morawski has invited Ms Julia Grzybowska, the Vice President of the Warsaw Institute to give an interview focused on what the Foundation does.

The Chinese march towards the ocean fleet

The Chinese march towards the ocean fleet

At the turn of 2019 and 2020, People’s Liberation Army (PLA) put into service the first built domestically aircraft carrier “Shandong” (山东舰, type 002) and the second biggest in the world guided missile destroyer “Nanchang” (南昌 type 055).
