Russia Monitor Monthly 2/23

Day 30 – Abduction of Coordination Council members

Day 30 – Abduction of Coordination Council members

Representatives of the opposition’s Coordination Council – Volha Kavalkava and Pavel Latushko, who are currently residing in Poland, informed in a statement issued on Monday that since August 9, over 10,000 people have already been detained, over 450 people have been subjected to torture, in addition to those who were killed and are still missing.

Wang Yi’s Visit to Europe and Human Rights Concerns

Wang Yi’s Visit to Europe and Human Rights Concerns

During the nearly week-long visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) – Wang Yi, to Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, France and Germany, representatives of these countries often reminded about human rights violations in China.

How much will Lukashenko pay for the support of Russia?

How much will Lukashenko pay for the support of Russia?

The Belarusian dictator remains in power only thanks to the support of the Kremlin. Of course, Russia will dictate a high price for this. The details, or at least some of them, will probably revealed during Alexander Lukashenko’s visit to Moscow in September.

Day 29 – March of Unity in Minsk, protests also in other cities

Day 29 – March of Unity in Minsk, protests also in other cities

More than 100,000 people took part in the March of Unity, which took place on September 6 in Minsk, on the central street of the city – the Prospectus of the Winners. This is another Sunday’s mass protest after the falsified presidential election.

Wang Yi’s visit and the US-China tug-of-war in Europe

Wang Yi’s visit and the US-China tug-of-war in Europe

Between August 25 and September 1, PRC’s Foreign Minister – Wang Yi traveled across Europe, which is a key area in the power struggle with the United States. The countries of the journey included: Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, France and Germany, that is only the countries of wealthy Western and Northern Europe.

Alternative reality in Belarus

Alternative reality in Belarus

Undoubtedly, the topic that currently dominates the public debate in Poland in terms of foreign policy is Belarus. The unprecedented protests, which have spread not only to the capital city of Minsk, but also to smaller towns in the countryside, and the scale of these protests – Belarus has not been a witness of such events till date.

Day 27 & 28 – Diplomatic struggle | Women’s march and student protest

Day 27 & 28 – Diplomatic struggle | Women’s march and student protest

A women’s march took place in Minsk on Saturday, September 5, with an estimated 10,000 people taking part. The militia allowed them walk on the streets of the capital without stopping any of the participants. The police forces were more brutal in handling another protest that took place in Minsk that day.

The Belarus Crisis threatens China’s Belt and Road Initiative

The Belarus Crisis threatens China’s Belt and Road Initiative

China has rapidly expanded its economic presence in Belarus in the last decade, choosing the Eastern-European republic as the key European link in its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). However, the mass anti-government demonstrations that have shaken Belarus in the aftermath of a disputed presidential election threaten to compromise China’s BRI investments.

Ukraine is ambiguous about the events in Belarus

Ukraine is ambiguous about the events in Belarus

On August 27, Ukraine suspended all interstate relations with Belarus. According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba, this is a clear condemnation of the actions of the Belarusian authorities.
