Russia Monitor Articles
Gazprom Revenues Drop

Gazprom Revenues Drop

The Russian monopolist hit records in gas sales on the so-called “far abroad” markets (this term is used in Gazprom nomenclature for Turkey and the EU, except for the three Baltic states).

An Alarm Bell for Kremlin

An Alarm Bell for Kremlin

A most recent opinion poll of Levada-Center shows that Vladimir Putin would have problems with winning presidential elections in the first round.

Syria: De-escalation the Russian Way

Syria: De-escalation the Russian Way

According to a report by the Russian daily “Kommersant”, Russia has a plan to settle the conflict in Syria by dividing the country into four security zones and does not rule out deployment of foreign military contingents.

Counter-attack of Russian Diplomacy

Counter-attack of Russian Diplomacy

That was an eventful long May weekend for Vladimir Putin. In just two days, he met the leaders of Germany and Turkey and had a phone call with the US president. The main topic was the conflict in Syria. .

A Russian Thread in Iranian Elections

A Russian Thread in Iranian Elections

Iranian conservative presidential candidate met with Tatarstan President, presented as Vladimir Putin’s envoy. Iranian reformists reacted sharply. The incident proves Iranian mistrust towards Russia.

Nuclear Threats

Nuclear Threats

Russia is consequently violating international treaties and is developing the forbidden types of armaments.

A Tie in The Hague

A Tie in The Hague

The ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the case filed by Ukraine against Russia proves that it will be difficult for Kiev to successfully fight Moscow on the international law arena.

A Showcase Sentence for a General

A Showcase Sentence for a General

A former top official of Russian Interior Ministry, Denis Sugrobov, has been sentenced to 22 years in prison. This is the most severe verdict passed in the contemporary history of Russian law enforcement on its officer.

Medvedev Under Fire

Medvedev Under Fire

The pressure on Vladimir Putin to dismiss his chief of government is mounting. The poll by Levada Center, released on April 26, shows a growing dissatisfaction of Russians with their prime minister.

Is Someone Behind Navalny?

Is Someone Behind Navalny?

On April 25, Alexei Navalny presented more evidence of prime minister’s corruption. This has been yet another blow at Dmitry Medvedev from the well known anti-corruption blogger, currently considered as a natural opposition leader.

Moscow Fuels a Conflict in the Balkans

Moscow Fuels a Conflict in the Balkans

The idea of Greater Albania has for decades been a nightmare for Albania’s neighbors, in particular Serbia, which after all already lost Kosovo (now Kosovo is dominated by the Albanians) after a bloody war and the NATO intervention.

Russia Is Tempting Duterte

Russia Is Tempting Duterte

On April 20, the flagship of Russian Pacific Fleet, a guided missile cruiser named Varyag, arrived in the capital of Philippines Manila, accompanied by a tanker Pechenga.

The Position of Kadyrov Is Getting Weaker

The Position of Kadyrov Is Getting Weaker

There are signals indicating that Ramzan Kadyrov is experiencing problems. The leader of Chechnya has for a long time been in serious conflict with federal siloviki and he has many enemies in Moscow.
