Russia Monitor Articles
Shoigu and Turks on Syria

Shoigu and Turks on Syria

The introduction of ceasefire in Idlib Governorate, currently under Turkish control, is entering into its final phase. Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu will visit Turkey and he is expected to finally break Turkish resistance regarding some detailed arrangements on so-called de-escalation zone.

Sechin accused by a defendant

Sechin accused by a defendant

Altought it is not him, but his victim, that has been accused, more is being said about Igor Sechin than Alexey Ulyukayev. Former minister, charged of bribery, pointed finger at the Rosneft’s chief and his FSB collaborators, who had allegedly targeted him in a provocation.

More Control before Elections

More Control before Elections

Presidential campaign in Russia is gaining momentum. Of course, in Russia, all is not about candidates but rather about activities of the whole state apparatus whose aim is to guarantee Putin’s victory and to reduce possible protests.

Air is Getting Crowded before Zapad

Air is Getting Crowded before Zapad

As the anxiously expected military exercise Zapad 2017, to be held jointly by Russia and Belarus, is getting closer, tension in the Baltic Sea region is mounting. In the first five days of August, after two weeks of relative peace, NATO fighter jets intercepted Russian military aircrafts approaching the airspace of the Baltic states as many as eight times.

To Bypass and Block Ukraine

To Bypass and Block Ukraine

Systematically, gradually but strenuously – this is how Russia builds communication and transport routes, which bypass the territory of Ukraine. This is happening in the areas of gas pipelines, railway lines and marine connections.

Russia’s German Advocate

Russia’s German Advocate

Gerhard Schroeder will take another important post at the top of Russian energy sector. And this is not just a reward for Schroeder’s unswerving loyalty to Vladimir Putin’s regime. The nomination of former German chancellor, who is still quite influential on German left, to Rosneft’s board has its important political context.

Korean test

Korean test

The deep crisis between the USA and North Korea gives Russian some new opportunities. In comparison to the rowdy Kim Jong Un, the Kremlin seems to be a predictable partner, which is convenient for those who wish that relations between Russia and the USA would improve.

“Soft power” budget cuts

“Soft power” budget cuts

At the end of July, Russian and foreign media informed about cuts to state funding for organizations and foundations which promote Russian foreign policy and support the Russian diaspora in the world. Contrary to some comments, such a move will not limit Moscow’s activity in this area.

Gazprom suffers losses

Gazprom suffers losses

Information that Gazprom has monopolized the OPAL pipeline as well as the declaration of two German companies that they will participate in the Nord Stream 2 despite the recent US sanctions have overshadowed reports that are negative for the Russian monopolist. Firstly, its poor financial results in the second quarter of 2017.

Abkhaz provocation

Abkhaz provocation

On the 9th anniversary of the outbreak of Russia’s war with Georgia, Vladimir Putin visited separatist Abkhazia where he mentioned Moscow’s support for this self-proclaimed quasi-state.

Russia saves Maduro

Russia saves Maduro

For the Kremlin, Venezuela is becoming in the western hemisphere the same as Syria in the Middle East. The Russians cannot afford to fall back on a friendly regime if they want to retain any significant influence in the region at all.

The change of the cyber Chekist chief

The change of the cyber Chekist chief

The Russian Internet has gained a new trustee from the Federal Security Service (FSB). Andrei Gerasimov, who has been in charge of the Information Security Centre (CIS) since 2009, has been replaced by Sergey Skorozdov.

Generalissimo Putin

Generalissimo Putin

By baring his naked torso while doing such activities as diving and hunting, Vladimir Putin tries to convince Russians that, in spite of ruling for so many years, he remains in good health and shape.

The third de-escalation zone

The third de-escalation zone

The Russians managed to reach a consensus with moderate rebels on the creation of another so-called de-escalation zone in Syria.
