Russia Monitor Articles
Russia loses “oil leadership”

Russia loses “oil leadership”

The USA has won with Russia again. This time it is not about politics, but rather the sphere of the economy. To be more precise, the oil industry. According to the latest data from the US Energy Information Agency (EIA), the United States has surpassed Russia as the world’s leader in oil production. First, the USA surpassed Saudi Arabia and now also Russia.

Gazprom’s “Black Thursday”

Gazprom’s “Black Thursday”

The Russian energy company has suffered two defeats in two courts in just one day. First, the EU General Court ruled that the sanctions on Gazprom, Rosneft and several Russian banks were rightfully imposed in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine. Second, the Swedish Court of Appeal rejected the temporary suspension of the implementation of the Stockholm Arbitration Tribunal ruling, according to which Gazprom should pay Ukraine’s Naftogaz over 2.5 billion dollars for breaking a transit contract.

Purge in Donetsk

Purge in Donetsk

After the official takeover of the government by Denis Pushilin in the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, steps have been taken to eliminate “Zakharchenko’s group”. Some of his people have already managed to go to Russia, others have to accept the new order. The elimination of independence of several armed formations in Donetsk is also connected with a change of the Kremlin’s policy towards the occupied Donbass.

Regional elections: the pension reform has weakened the ruling party

Regional elections: the pension reform has weakened the ruling party

United Russia and the governor candidates appointed by the Kremlin continue to dominate and win. However, the regional elections held on September 9 show that there is a slight decline in the popularity of the ruling party. It is quite obvious that the main reason behind this change is massive social disapproval resulting from the extension of the retirement age, which was symbolised by numerous street protests and arrests on the day of the elections all over Russia.

Putin surprises Japan: a trick in Vladivostok

Putin surprises Japan: a trick in Vladivostok

On September 12, the Russian president announced that he would like to make a peace treaty with Japan by the end of this year without any preconditions. The surprising proposal was made during the plenary session at the economic forum in Vladivostok – it was addressed directly to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

“Blinding” the USA: Russian bombers near Alaska

“Blinding” the USA: Russian bombers near Alaska

The US military has reported another case of the interception of Russian strategic bombers near Alaska. This time, there are many indications suggesting that the flight of two Tu-95 bombers through the US Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) was a part of the Vostok-2018 military exercises.

En Route From Syria: Speculations Around Abkhazian PM’s Death

En Route From Syria: Speculations Around Abkhazian PM’s Death

The Prime Minister of Russia-backed breakaway Georgian region of Abkhazia, Gennady Gagulia, died in a car accident in the region. Abkhazia is among the republics whose independence has been officially recognized by Russia while Syria was the last country to acknowledge the region’s separatist aspirations.

Russia’s Oil Maneuver Costly for Lukashenko?

Russia’s Oil Maneuver Costly for Lukashenko?

Moscow has recently threatened Minsk with limiting Russian oil supplies while the Belarusian authorities are able to buy raw material on preferential terms, process it in their own refineries as well as to export – as revenues of this market constitute one of the most important sources of funding to the state budget.

Russian Spy in Estonian Army

Russian Spy in Estonian Army

The Estonian authorities have recently announced that they had arrested two people suspected of spying for Russia. The detainees – father and son, Russians with Estonian passports – worked for the GRU, Russia’s main military intelligence agency. Such is yet another case of revealing Russian spying activity by the Estonian counterintelligence services.

Gazprom-Naftogaz Conflict

Gazprom-Naftogaz Conflict

Gazprom confirmed in its latest quarterly reported that the court had imposed arrest on its shares in yet another company in a further European country. It is all about the Netherlands-based operator of the Blue Stream pipeline. Such is the result of legal actions undertaken by Naftogaz as the company seeks to seize a debt from the Russian company.

Putin Aids Sechin as Russia’s Rouble Drops

Putin Aids Sechin as Russia’s Rouble Drops

Vladimir Putin’s recent decision constitutes yet another example of special treatment given to a state-owned oil giant Rosneft. The President has signed a bill that will make it possible to Sechin’s company to handle its dollar profits and invest money outside the country. And any steps that act to the benefit of Sechin’s enterprise may appear unfavorable to Russia’s economy.

Final Countdown in Idlib Province

Final Countdown in Idlib Province

Recently, there have been many indications that an offensive against Syria’s Idlib province, led by the military forces of President Bashar al-Assad and his allies, will take place in the early days of September. Such state of affairs is particularly evidenced by the attitudes represented by Russia’s military and diplomatic authorities.

Rosneft Sinks Money into Venezuela’s Companies

Rosneft Sinks Money into Venezuela’s Companies

For many years, both the Russian authorities and the state’s oil giant Rosneft have been providing their financial support to Venezuela as the country had plunged into a deep economic recession. However, it does not seem possible to recover loans amounting to at least 6 billion dollars.

Austrian Wedding: Russia’s Trojan Horse in Europe

Austrian Wedding: Russia’s Trojan Horse in Europe

Inviting Russia’s President Vladimir Putin to the wedding of Austrian Foreign Minister has been sparked a storm also outside Vienna. Putin’s relations with the members of Austria’s ruling elite have already gone beyond generally accepted diplomatic principles.
