Russia Monitor Articles
Purge in Russia’s Regions as Putin Gets Rid of Political Veterans

Purge in Russia’s Regions as Putin Gets Rid of Political Veterans

It was only during one day (October 11) that three heads of Russian regions (Kursk Region, Zabaykalsky Krai and Republic of Bashkortostan) handed in their resignations. In two cases, the Kremlin decided to replace the incumbent with younger politicians who were supposed to achieve much better election result.

Russian Army to Add More Firepower in Kaliningrad

Russian Army to Add More Firepower in Kaliningrad

The shore artillery of the Baltic Fleet will aim to significantly increase its range of fire while the naval aviation has been already reinforced following the introduction of upgraded helicopters designed to fight submarines. Those steps may eventually translate into an increase in the military threat to neighbouring NATO member states, including Poland and Lithuania, as well as to allied ships in the Baltic Sea.

Putin’s Another Bodyguard to Be Appointed Governor

Putin’s Another Bodyguard to Be Appointed Governor

According to the autumn tradition, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin dismisses some governors while appointing new ones. Nonetheless, this year’s reshuffles appear particularly important due to the fact that recent regional elections have clearly depicted problems of many of the Kremlin-backed nominees.

Tatarstan’s Tatneft Sets Ambitious Goals

Tatarstan’s Tatneft Sets Ambitious Goals

The management of Russia’s top oil company has approved the firm’s development strategy until 2030. Tatneft seeks to increase its overall oil production by one third; moreover, if possible, the concern aims to double its capitalization, provided that oil prices remain at their hitherto high level.

Russia’s S-300 in Syria: Shoigu Versus Israel

Russia’s S-300 in Syria: Shoigu Versus Israel

Bearing in mind Putin’s long-lasting attachment to correct diplomatic relations with Israel, especially in the context of the war in Syria, one should be surprised by Moscow’s furious attack targeted at the Jewish State as Russia had blamed the Israeli air force for downing a Russian reconnaissance aircraft.

Kremlin’s Fight for Regions: New Governor Elected

Kremlin’s Fight for Regions: New Governor Elected

In an article published only a few days ago, we referred to the inept attempt of vote-rigging that could be perceived in terms of a genuine catastrophe for Putin’s regime. The Kremlin-backed incumbent governor has undeniably failed even despite of the fact that right before the voting, he had been met with President Putin, which constituted an unarguable proof for his strong support.

Russians Dissatisfied with Putin’s Regime: Kremlin’s Worst Ratings in Five Years

Russians Dissatisfied with Putin’s Regime: Kremlin’s Worst Ratings in Five Years

Following the Kremlin’s recent loss in the second round of regional voting, the state regime needs to face yet another bad news. According to the latest polls, Vladimir Putin’s approval rating has seemingly deteriorated whereas the political activity of Russia’s Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev, has been rather positively assessed by the Russians.

Putin’s Favorite Involved in Fraud Scandal

Putin’s Favorite Involved in Fraud Scandal

The second round of a regional election appeared to be disastrous for the image of Putin’s regime; in two cases, United Russia’s governors were beaten by their political opponents. In one of Russia’s regions, the hitherto governor was forced to withdraw while the ballot is supposed to be held once again some time later.

OPEC Rejects Trump’s Call, Russia to Wait Until November

OPEC Rejects Trump’s Call, Russia to Wait Until November

Oil prices have recently gone up, which raised some concerns in the United States; however, President Trump’s appeal to most petroleum producers has not brought any effect yet. During a joint summit of OPEC and a few other important oil producers, including Russia, it was decided not to change current level of extraction.

Moscow To Prepare Serbian Intrigue

Moscow To Prepare Serbian Intrigue

It was only a few years ago that a list of Moscow’s friends contained even Montenegro and Macedonia; nonetheless, due to aggressive Russian policy, including the attempted putsch in Montenegro and a special operation in Macedonia, these countries had no longer intention to maintain their cooperation with Russia, which ultimately pushed them towards NATO and the European Union.

Trump’s “Hawk” Perry Threatens Russia with New Sanctions

Trump’s “Hawk” Perry Threatens Russia with New Sanctions

U.S. Energy Secretary’s trip to Europe as well as final outcomes of his visit to Moscow have recently confirmed America’s hard stance on Russia’s energy expansion. Rick Perry has reiterated that the U.S. state authorities would impose sanctions on the Russian project for building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which is unlike to improve energy relations between the two countries.

Kremlin’s Top Secret Information about Russian Mercenaries

Kremlin’s Top Secret Information about Russian Mercenaries

Recent leaks about the activity of Russian mercenaries in the Middle East and Africa appeared to be more and more frequent and harmful to Moscow, which finally prompted Putin’s regime to make an attempt to put a gag on mouths of all those who had already mentioned the topic in their publications.

Russian oil producers have reasons to be satisfied

Russian oil producers have reasons to be satisfied

Sanctions that are hitting the Russian economy are more damaging to the national currency than the present activities of the largest companies, especially those that produce oil. If one combines this with Russia’s beneficial agreement with OPEC, it turns out that the largest oil companies in Russia may get a lot of financial satisfaction.

Kadyrov’s Oil Victory

Kadyrov’s Oil Victory

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin signed a decree ordering the transfer of 100 percent of Chechenneftekhimprom to Chechnya. The handover marks the end to a long-term battle between two powerful political players – Ramzan Kadyrov and Igor Sechin – who had been fighting for the control over the Chechen oil sector.
