Russia Monitor Articles
Enemy at the Gates as Russian Delegation Pays Visit to America

Enemy at the Gates as Russian Delegation Pays Visit to America

Not incidentally, Russia keeps conducting its ever-increasing military and political activities in Latin American countries, being hostile to the United States. Thus, in the light of the failed “Trump-is-Ours” strategy and extremely tight U.S.-Russian bilateral relations, the Kremlin is making attempts to pose threats.

Russia Sends Its Bombers to Venezuela

Russia Sends Its Bombers to Venezuela

Russia has long backed the Venezuelan leftist regime, mainly by granting oil-backed loans from the state-owned giant Rosneft, a step that provided Moscow with a loyal ally in its conflict against the United States in the Western Hemisphere. Yet cooperation between Caracas and Moscow has recently taken on completely new forms, including Russia’s increased military support.

More Information about Montenegro Coup Trial Is Revealed

More Information about Montenegro Coup Trial Is Revealed

One of the suspects on trial over a failed 2016 coup attempt fled to the Serbian Embassy. Branka Milic is among the twelve people whose trial is currently taking place in Podgorica while two alleged suspects, officially identified as Russian GRU military intelligence officers, are to be judged in absentia for organizing the failed coup plot. Media recently reported on the real personal details of the second of them.

Russia’s GRU: New Chief, Same Goals

Russia’s GRU: New Chief, Same Goals

Vice Admiral Igor Kostyukov is the first naval officer nominated to head the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He was appointed the acting head of the Russian GRU following the death of his predecessor Igor Korobov on November 21, 2018.

Rosneft Afraid of Sanctions

Rosneft Afraid of Sanctions

Russia’s largest oil firm is looking for solutions to minimize the potential impact of new sanctions. Starting from 2019, Rosneft would want its Western clients to accept new terms of cooperation as well as to pay penalties – if they appear to be unable to pay for Russian oil supplies due to new U.S. restrictions against Russia’s energy sector.

Russia Helps Venezuela Alleviate the Crisis

Russia Helps Venezuela Alleviate the Crisis

Moscow is currently doing its utmost to prevent the Venezuelan leftist regime from collapsing as such a situation would eventually deprive the Kremlin of its key ally in the confrontation with the United States in the western hemisphere.

More Russian Bases in Central Asia?

More Russian Bases in Central Asia?

Russia to a large extent provides military protection to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Both republics border Afghanistan, which makes them potentially vulnerable to Islamist aggression. . Yet the threat can no longer be referred to as the one posed by the Taliban, with whom Moscow has only recently entered into cooperation.

Rosneft and Lukoil in a Row Over Oil Supplies in Russia’s Far North

Rosneft and Lukoil in a Row Over Oil Supplies in Russia’s Far North

Russia’s two largest oil firms have argued over the possibility of exporting resources from the Varandey oil terminal in the Arctic. The state-owned Rosneft and the private-held Lukoil are currently involved in a commercial partnership in the Trebs and Titov oil projects.

Caspian Opportunity for the West

Caspian Opportunity for the West

The hydrocarbon-rich Caspian Sea region may constitute a real chance for global oil markets, which are currently looking solutions to increase their output. Though rich in resources and easily accessible, the Caspian Sea deposits were prevented from being extracted due to the unregulated status of the coastal sea of Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Azerbaijan.

Oil Companies Keep Paying Off Their Debts to the Kremlin

Oil Companies Keep Paying Off Their Debts to the Kremlin

Russian state authorities need to tackle an uneasy challenge of cooling down public discontent, which forces them to prevent from any further increases in prices of basic services and commodities, including gas and fuels.

Gazprom’s Lavish Spending on Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream

Gazprom’s Lavish Spending on Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream

Russia’s state-run gas giant Gazprom has recently increased spending on the implementation of its key projects, including Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream. This will eventually mean that the company’s debt is likely to deepen as the firm is no longer able to cover all investment expenditures from its own pocket, despite record gas sale revenues in Europe.

Kadyrov’s Oil Assets: End of the War for Chechen Resources

Kadyrov’s Oil Assets: End of the War for Chechen Resources

Great personal relations between Ramzan Kadyrov and Vladimir Putin seem to triumph also in business matters. The President of Chechnya announced that his government is taking over 100 percent of ownership in the company Chechenneftekhimprom, enabling the Chechens to develop independent processes of handling, extracting and selling crude oil.

Putin Pleased with Macron’s Idea of Forming a European Army

Putin Pleased with Macron’s Idea of Forming a European Army

Even if Russian President Vladimir Putin did not manage to hold any longer talks with his American counterpart Donald Trump during World War I centenary events in Paris, he might still consider his trip to the French capital as highly succesful.
