Russia Monitor Articles
Russia Sends “Governor” To Minsk

Russia Sends “Governor” To Minsk

Moscow is replacing its incumbent ambassador to Belarus who has been in office for just a few months. A new candidate will be tasked with ensuring that the Kremlin consolidates its grip on the regime in Belarus. A new Russian ambassador to Minsk is an experienced official and a longtime ally of Vladimir Putin.

Putin Threatens NATO With Military Drills

Putin Threatens NATO With Military Drills

The Russian leader is carrying on his information warfare against Western nations while pondering various options if they fail to meet Moscow’s demands for security guarantees. NATO offered to sit at the negotiating table on January 12, 2022, to discuss this topic, among others. Before this, the Kremlin might be using the military buildup to create a position of strength, also by comparing the standoff now to the Cold War-era Cuban missile crisis.

Putin Blames West For Stoking Tensions

Putin Blames West For Stoking Tensions

It is nothing new that the Russian president threatens NATO and the United States, a strategy that now fits into Moscow’s policy of intimidating Western nations. Moscow distorts the fact, saying the West is posing a threat to Russia that has to respond accurately. Naturally, the situation looks different: Moscow’s aggressive behavior compels the United States and NATO to act defensively.

Vostok Oil: Trafigura Investment Backed By Russian Loans

Vostok Oil: Trafigura Investment Backed By Russian Loans

Trafigura Group’s risk is limited in its investment in Vostok Oil, the company’s chief financial officer told Bloomberg News. Disclosing some details is beneficial for state-run Rosneft that is still looking to attract some foreign investors into its major Arctic project.

Occupied Donbas: A Stronghold Of Russian Military

Occupied Donbas: A Stronghold Of Russian Military

The so-called people’s republics in Donbas are in fact under Russian occupation. Moscow appoints the “authorities” in Donetsk and Luhansk as it provides financial assistance to both rebel-held areas. However, what links the occupied Donbas and Moscow is security, as confirmed by recent reports from Ukrainian intelligence services.

European Gas Prices Jump To Record As Russia Cuts Off Flows

European Gas Prices Jump To Record As Russia Cuts Off Flows

After talking to Vladimir Putin, U.S. President Joe Biden said gas flows through Nord Stream 2 would be cut off if Russia invaded Ukraine. Nonetheless, Germany is not likely to bend to U.S. pressure. Having unfrozen the project, Biden has no longer any tool of pressure on the authorities in Berlin. Nord Stream 2 will not be a Western argument against Russia, as stated by the new Austrian chancellor.

Nord Stream 2 Under Special Protection

Nord Stream 2 Under Special Protection

After talking to Vladimir Putin, U.S. President Joe Biden said gas flows through Nord Stream 2 would be cut off if Russia invaded Ukraine. Nonetheless, Germany is not likely to bend to U.S. pressure. Having unfrozen the project, Biden has no longer any tool of pressure on the authorities in Berlin. Nord Stream 2 will not be a Western argument against Russia, as stated by the new Austrian chancellor.

High Oil Prices Make Russian Production More Profitable

High Oil Prices Make Russian Production More Profitable

Russian Deputy Energy Minister Pavel Sorokin said oil extraction costs in Russia were unacceptable at the current price of hydrocarbon. For the production cycle, they range from $15 to $45 per barrel, he said.

Russia Lays Out Unrealistic Demands For U.S. And NATO

Russia Lays Out Unrealistic Demands For U.S. And NATO

The Russian foreign ministry has presented the United States with a set of proposals for binding Western security guarantees during a meeting with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Karen Donfried in Moscow on December 15.

Beijing, Moscow Form A New Anti-American Axis

Beijing, Moscow Form A New Anti-American Axis

The Russia-China summit confirmed their lasting alliance targeting the United States. The video meeting was vital for Vladimir Putin who has in recent months stiffened his anti-Western stance to force the United States into concessions on Ukraine and NATO’s policy in Central and Eastern Europe.

Nord Stream 2: Inverted Meaning, Russian Triumph

Nord Stream 2: Inverted Meaning, Russian Triumph

For many years now, no one ever doubted that Nord Stream 2 had served Russia while targeting Ukraine. The only difference was whether the gas link was a purely economic project, according to Germany, or political, notably for Ukraine, Poland, and some other European countries, and the Trump administration.

Ukraine In The Middle Of Great Power Politics

Ukraine In The Middle Of Great Power Politics

After recent talks, President Joe Biden reassured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky of the Western support for Ukraine, yet adding this would not involve any military assistance. Many signs are that the United States, France, and Germany will force Ukraine into some Donbas concessions amid growing pressure from Moscow. At stake might be Ukraine’s accession to NATO.

Not Only Ukraine and Georgia: What Does Russia Want From NATO?

Not Only Ukraine and Georgia: What Does Russia Want From NATO?

Moscow is stiffening its stance on the North Atlantic Alliance. Indeed, the Russian military buildup along the border with Ukraine sought to make Western nations discuss NATO’s activity near Russia. The Kremlin has warned the West not to cross a “red line” with Russia, saying such a move would trigger a “military” offensive. It is yet unclear where this “red line” is actually going.

Gazprom Neft Reaches Record Hydrocarbon Output In 2021

Gazprom Neft Reaches Record Hydrocarbon Output In 2021

Gazprom Neft, a subsidiary of Russian energy giant Gazprom, is seeking to reach record-high gas and oil output this year. The increase is due to changes in restrictions on oil production under the OPEC+ agreement.
