The American war on Huawei spills to Europe

The American war on Huawei spills to Europe

The trade war between the US and Chinese Huawei continues. This time the conflict moved across the Atlantic and into the United Kingdom where the government recently announced a ban on the use of Huawei hardware in the construction of British nationwide 5G network. The move comes after the increased pressure from Donal Trump and domestic politicians criticising the ties between Huawei and Chinese intelligence agencies. The decision has caused an increased turmoil in Sino-British relations and may result in retaliatory actions from Beijing.

Iraq’s Two Rivers

Iraq’s Two Rivers

To those with tenacity to remain hopeful of a peaceful and stable political-operational situation in Iraq, taking seriously the cold and brutal geopolitical realities could benefit from some creative thinking. Incomplete information is a given in policymaking decisions. Fortunately, the solutions need not be perfect – just good enough.

Lukashenko and Elections: What’s Next for Belgazprombank?

Lukashenko and Elections: What’s Next for Belgazprombank?

Belgazprombank, a Russian-owned commercial bank based in Belarus, is now at the heart of pre-vote clampdown after its long-time CEO, Viktar Babaryka, was barred from running in the country’s presidential run-off. As investigators entered the bank, state authorities delivered a hint they seek new management board to be installed.

Putin Reveals Grandiose Plans for Russia’s Navy

Putin Reveals Grandiose Plans for Russia’s Navy

Russia will add new vessels and weapons to its navy this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin said as he attended a naval parade marking the country’s Navy Day. Russia’s navy is amongst those to have seen least upgrades, with other arms of the Russian armed forces having been a priority over the past few years. Whilst modernizing Russia’s fleet, officials used to pay attention to its underwater vessels, but are now far more concerned on surface vessels, their firepower, and amphibious capability.

U.S. Lawmakers Seek New Nord Stream 2 Sanctions But Russia Does Not Stand Down

U.S. Lawmakers Seek New Nord Stream 2 Sanctions But Russia Does Not Stand Down

The United States has toughened its stance on the Nord Stream 2 energy link. The U.S. Congress added to its version of the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, a provision extending the list of entities that may be involved in the project. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned investors that had put their money into the Russian natural gas pipeline project prior to Washington’s first punitive measures that they could also face sanctions. As the Kremlin says it will wait until the final version of sanctions is published, Germany is making efforts to lobby the U.S. Congress. Also, Denmark has granted permission for the last portion of the Russian Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline to be constructed, with its go-ahead to kick-start works in early September.

July Brings Sweeping Crackdown in Russia

July Brings Sweeping Crackdown in Russia

Shortly after Russians cast their ballots in a much-discussed constitutional plebiscite to consolidate Putin’s life-long grip on power, the Russian regime kicked off a clampdown on dissent and curbed any signs of independence amongst the ruling elite, notably in Russian regions.

War in the Russian Fuel Market?

War in the Russian Fuel Market?

As Russia’s demand for fuel revived after the coronavirus pandemic, the country’s oil majors –– with their gas station networks –– have a clear advantage over independent market actors. The former first and foremost enjoy state from state officials.

The European Union after the lockdown

The European Union after the lockdown

The crisis triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic has first caused a health and then an economic crisis in the European Union. Restrictions taken to flatten the epidemic curve froze social and economic life in the Member States, causing unprecedented shocks to European markets.

Russia Considers Mexico-Style Oil Hedge

Russia Considers Mexico-Style Oil Hedge

Russian President Vladimir Putin has tasked the government with considering the possibility to hedge the country’s oil and gas revenues to protect them from the price decline, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on July 23. This came as a comment to a fresh report by Bloomberg.
