Date: 28 July 2020
Poland has spent 90 million Euro to fight coronavirus
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that Poland has allocated over 90 million Euro to fight the COVID-19 pandemic around the world, including funding for research on the SARS-CoV-2 virus, vaccines, drugs and tests.
This includes funds for research on the coronavirus, including the vaccine, drugs, and tests. Approximately 56 million PLN have been allocated to development assistance and humanitarian aid. The funds come both from the Polish Aid coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as part of its structure and mechanisms, and from state-owned companies that support Polish humanitarian and development activities. Poland has brought various forms of aid to counteract and mitigate the effects of the pandemic in over 50 countries across the globe.
“The coronavirus pandemic is a time when Europe and the world need solidarity more than ever. Poland is actively involved in helping the Eastern Partnership countries, Africa and the Middle East, as well as selected European countries in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic,” the report reads.
Among other forms of aid, the ministry listed help from Polish doctors, in-kind donations, and support for social campaigns by Polish communities around the globe.
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