Russia Monitor Monthly 2/23

The Rusty Privacy Shield

The Rusty Privacy Shield

On July 16, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) invalidated the European Commission’s (EC) decision on the adequacy of protection provided by the EU-US Privacy Shield.

Attack on Navalny: Poison the Service of the Kremlin

Attack on Navalny: Poison the Service of the Kremlin

With the suspected poisoning of Alexei Navalny, the Kremlin sets on a tighter course in its domestic policy –– as both Kremlin officials and the chekists are keen to perpetrate any crime to stay in power. Why has Navalny been targeted only now? And why like that?

Chinese-Saudi nuclear cooperation

Chinese-Saudi nuclear cooperation

According to a Wall Street Journal report, Chinese companies assisted Riyadh in the construction of an extraction facility for uranium yellowcake, which in a highly enriched state can be used to develop nuclear weapons.

The United States increases support for Taiwan

The United States increases support for Taiwan

The growing tensions between the US and China during the pandemic period, prompted the administration of Donald Trump to increase political and military support for the Taiwanese authorities. Two major arms contracts, which are expected to increase the defensive capabilities of the island, were signed in July and August.

The Awakening Of Private Military Companies

The Awakening Of Private Military Companies

Private military companies, or PMCs, are independent corporations that trade military services through a wide range of opportunities they have due to their corporate nature.

Pompeo’s visit to Europe according to the Chinese media

Pompeo’s visit to Europe according to the Chinese media

As it could be expected, the visit of the US Secretary of State – Mike Pompeo to the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Austria and Poland met with criticism from the Chinese media. They tried to present these visits as a diplomatic failure of the USA and as an unfounded attack on Beijing.

Lukoil Reduces Hydrocarbon Output

Lukoil Reduces Hydrocarbon Output

In the first six months of 2020, Lukoil, a Russian top energy producer, said its crude oil figures fell by 3.2 percent and recorded the fall of 14.7 percent in natural gas production. The cut was due to the new OPEC+ agreement and a decrease in gas supply from Uzbekistan to China –– both driven by a negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on hydrocarbon demand.

The Silk Railway Route is slowly gaining momentum

The Silk Railway Route is slowly gaining momentum

Since May 2020, rail traffic on the Silk Railway Route between China and Europe has reached record levels. In May, the number of freight trains was equal to 1033 whilst in June it increased to 1169. In July, 1232 trains left from Chinese cities – the highest number ever. Compared to 2019, traffic increased by 41% in the first seven months, with 68% growth in July alone.

Scared Lukashenko, A Risk for Russia

Scared Lukashenko, A Risk for Russia

Just two days after the presidential vote in Belarus, the Kremlin saw its best-scenario of a landslide victory of weak Alexander Lukashenko nearly happening. Yet large-scale protests that swept throughout the country were a bitter surprise for both Minsk and the Kremlin.

Russia’s Fast-Track Covid-19 Vaccine Poses Big Risk

Russia’s Fast-Track Covid-19 Vaccine Poses Big Risk

As Russian President Vladimir Putin declared during a conference with government members (August 11), the country had won the global race and produced the world’s first coronavirus vaccine. The Russian leader said the vaccine had passed all the required checks and his daughter had already been given it. Many scientists worldwide, also in Russia, have doubts about this, though. The Russian-made vaccine failed to go through adequate procedures. But in the whole story, more is about Russia’s prestige around the globe rather than public health.
