Russia Monitor Monthly 2/23

Tajikistan Could Thwart Russia’s Push Towards Taliban

Tajikistan Could Thwart Russia’s Push Towards Taliban

The huge Vostok Oil project was a key issue of discussion when India’s oil and gas minister sat down for talks with Rosneft’s Igor Sechin. Shri Hardeep S Puri arrived in Vladivostok to take part in the Eastern Economic Forum. He made a stop-over in Moscow to meet Sechin before heading to the Russian Far East.

Russia vs Ukraine: Where Do “Red Lines” Run?

Russia vs Ukraine: Where Do “Red Lines” Run?

The idea of NATO membership for Ukraine is the worst-case scenario for Russia that staunchly opposes also the potential broadening of NATO infrastructure on Ukrainian territory. This time the Kremlin is using Alexander Lukashenko to attain its goals. The intention is to send a strong signal to the West that Russia and Belarus would recognize NATO military bases in Ukraine as a casus belli.

Tatarstan’s Top Oil Asset To Pay Dividends

Tatarstan’s Top Oil Asset To Pay Dividends

Tatneft is paying out a dividend of 16.52 roubles per share for the results in the six first months of 2021, according to the company’s shareholders. On September 30, an extraordinary meeting of the company’s shareholders took place in Kazan, alongside a meeting of the board of directors chaired by the president of Tatarstan.

Russia Lunges Into Mali, Sends Wagner Group Mercenaries And Weapons

Russia Lunges Into Mali, Sends Wagner Group Mercenaries And Weapons

The Ukrainian Gas Transmission System operator said Russia’s Gazprom had suspended its gas transit through Ukraine from October 1, on the same day that a new gas deal between Hungary and Russia took effect. The agreement outraged Kyiv and triggered a diplomatic row between Ukraine and Hungary. This shows how Russia is seeking to make political use of gas pipelines that bypass Ukraine and Poland. Moscow is sparking conflict between the countries in the region while compromising Ukraine’s security and also that of other European states.

Russia Endures Fourth Wave of Coronavirus Pandemic

Russia Endures Fourth Wave of Coronavirus Pandemic

Russia is seeing a devastating health situation as one in two regions is grappling with a spike in new coronavirus cases. In the last days of September, Russia reported its highest coronavirus death toll. Undoubtedly, Russia is battered with a long-awaited fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

Joe Biden’s Approach: the CEE

Joe Biden’s Approach: the CEE

With Xi Jingping and Vladimir Putin as constantly growing competitors, will Biden uphold the delicate balance between continuing the legacy of Donald Trump’s foreign policy and keeping a firm stand against the expansion of Russian and Chinese spheres of interest?

Sechin Invites India to the Arctic

Sechin Invites India to the Arctic

The huge Vostok Oil project was a key issue of discussion when India’s oil and gas minister sat down for talks with Rosneft’s Igor Sechin. Shri Hardeep S Puri arrived in Vladivostok to take part in the Eastern Economic Forum. He made a stop-over in Moscow to meet Sechin before heading to the Russian Far East.

Russia Pumps More Crude Oil

Russia Pumps More Crude Oil

Russia’s crude oil output jumped in September thanks to some decisions made by OPEC+. However, it is vital for Gazprom to rebuild export capacities after a fire at a facility in Siberia.

Kabul Meeting: A Common Front of Russia, China, Pakistan?

Kabul Meeting: A Common Front of Russia, China, Pakistan?

Moscow and Beijing are pushing for an inclusive government in Afghanistan. At the same time, they are seeking friendly ties with the new government in Kabul as soon as possible. These efforts were channeled into a visit of Russian and Chinese special envoys for Afghanistan. Not only did they join forces, but there were also accompanied by a representative of Pakistan, a country that has the biggest influence on the Taliban and their policy.

Lukoil Voices Concern Over Ghana Oil Assets

Lukoil Voices Concern Over Ghana Oil Assets

Russian energy giant Lukoil said Ghana’s plans to acquire a bigger stake in one of its key oil projects could pose a risk to its execution. The Russian giant is concerned over deteriorating project conditions as a Ghana state corporation acquired stakes from a private Norway-based energy firm.

Russian Navy Drills Shooting Targets in Occupied Crimea

Russian Navy Drills Shooting Targets in Occupied Crimea

Russia’s navy practiced firing at sea-based targets using its Bastion coastal missile defense system. The drills coincide with the exercises in Ukraine involving the use of vessels in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. With time, place, and the type of weapons used, it is possible to state that the Russian war games are a response to the Joint Efforts 2021 exercises as Moscow is flexing its military muscles.

State Duma Vote: Test Before Rigging Presidential Election

State Duma Vote: Test Before Rigging Presidential Election

The State Duma vote on September 17–19 was a testing ground for the regime that tested new methods of voter fraud in addition to well-proven practices. What seems most important in this respect is allowing for voting online in some Russian regions. Possibly this method will be extended to most places, or even the whole country, making it easier for the regime to falsify the vote.

Unsurprising State Duma “Elections” in Russia

Unsurprising State Duma “Elections” in Russia

The three-day State Duma vote was nothing but a meaningless ritual as its results are consistent with the Kremlin’s earlier objectives. Russia’s United Party won a strong majority in a parliamentary vote while making up for a slight loss of seats in the lower house of the parliament by a new systemic opposition faction in the State Duma seated by parties loyal to the Kremlin.

Peace Mission-2021: CSO Countries Involved In Joint Drills

Peace Mission-2021: CSO Countries Involved In Joint Drills

Russia and China are taking part in yet another military drill. The Peace Mission-2021 joint anti-terrorism military exercise is centered on the threat from the Taliban. As a couple of Central Asian countries are involved in the drills, they seem to be more afraid of an Islamic Afghanistan more than they are reluctant to see China’s growing reach with tacit consent from Moscow.

Lebanon. A fading star of the Middle East.

Lebanon. A fading star of the Middle East.

Lebanon has been mired in an economic and political crisis since 2019. The World Bank Lebanon Economic Monitor (LEM) published on June 1 ranked the Lebanese crisis among the top ten most severe global collapses since the mid-19th century.

Is Chinese Ambassador to UK Persona Non Grata?

Is Chinese Ambassador to UK Persona Non Grata?

The Chinese ambassador to Britain has been banned from attending an event in the British parliament, according to a decision made in mid-September. The reason for that was that Beijing imposed sanctions on some British lawmakers. China condemned the move and pledged retaliatory measures.
