Russia Monitor Articles
Strategic Competitor

Strategic Competitor

Adopting new sanctions against Russia by the US Senate is consistent with recently sharpened rhetoric used by high US Administration representatives.

Kremlin Is Threatened by the Protests

Kremlin Is Threatened by the Protests

Recent demonstrations of many thousands do not target corruption, they are an attempt at a “color revolution” – is a recent message from Kremlin.

Nuclear Blackjack over Baltic Sea

Nuclear Blackjack over Baltic Sea

As expected, the activity of Russian and NATO air force on the other side is getting stronger. It is connected with the ongoing NATO exercises and upcoming “Zapad 2017” exercises.

Brutal Repressions in Russia

Brutal Repressions in Russia

For the second time in the last 2.5 months Alexei Navalny mobilized tens of thousands of people to take to the streets of Russian towns.

The National Guard Grows in Power

The National Guard Grows in Power

A recent presidential decree lets National Guard commanders take control over regular troops. According to some experts, this in a novelty in Russian security system; according to others, there have been similar precedents.

Russia – NATO. Tension Is in the Air.

Russia – NATO. Tension Is in the Air.

The launch of Saber Strike training exercise in the Baltic region caused increased activity of Russian air forces. On the very day when NATO maneuvers began, Russian fighter jets intercepted US and Norwegian aircrafts.

Slavic Brotherhood against NATO

Slavic Brotherhood against NATO

Belarus, Russia and Serbia are holding joint military exercises of landing troops close to the Polish border. The choice of time, place and participants is not accidental.

Korea, Sanctions and Sechin’s Man

Korea, Sanctions and Sechin’s Man

Three Russian companies are on the US list of entities sanctioned in connection with North Korea’s nuclear program. Two of them are oil companies and they belong to Eduard Khudainatov, ex-president of Rosneft and Sechin’s man for years.

Setting Macedonia on Fire

Setting Macedonia on Fire

In recent years, Russia has noticeably increased its activity in Western Balkans. Moscow attempts to undermine the EU and NATO aspirations of some former Yugoslavian countries.

New Armament Program

New Armament Program

Russia braces itself for a possible war with the West not only in political terms, or in military doctrine documents, but also through skillfully crafted armaments program.

Anti-corruption Showcase

Anti-corruption Showcase

Federal Security Service have detained more senior officials accused of corruption. This is another revealed bribery case at the regional rather than central level.

Assassination Attempt in Kiev

Assassination Attempt in Kiev

In the centre of Ukraine’s capital, there was an attempt to assassinate a Chechen man whom Russia accuses of plotting to kill Vladimir Putin.
