Russia Monitor Articles
“Secret prison” of FSB

“Secret prison” of FSB

The information that the Federal Security Service (the FSB) kidnaps people and then imprisons them in an unknown facility, torturing and forcing testimony prior to their official detention, should not come as a surprise.

Russia controls, Syria bombs

Russia controls, Syria bombs

Moscow has done the next step towards an implementation of the plan to create so-called “de-escalation zones” in Syria, which was announced in May.

Creeping border

Creeping border

Large military exercises in neighboring “republics”, diplomatic pressure and some border provocations – these are some of the examples of the cruel pressure that Russia exerts on Georgia.

Kremlin filters governors

Kremlin filters governors

Everything is going to happen lighting fast, without loud campaigns, the opposition and any second rounds. The Kremlin accelerates the implementation of “the 2017 gubernatorial elections”.

The Potemkin fleet

The Potemkin fleet

Russia has always been a land power and its attempts to obtain the status of a naval one always ended in a heavy defeat.

Turkish Stream or South Stream

Turkish Stream or South Stream

A threat of the new sanctions to be imposed is hanging like the sword of Damocles and it forces Russia to speed up work on the gas pipeline construction to Turkey.

Malorossiya is a Russian Idea

Malorossiya is a Russian Idea

Leaders of the self-proclaimed people’s republics in the part of Donbass occupied by Russia do not take any significant action without Moscow’s consent.

Moscow Insists on the Dacha Issue

Moscow Insists on the Dacha Issue

Refraining from reacting after the expulsion of more than 30 Russian diplomats from the United States seems to be one of the strongest arguments for how much the Kremlin had hoped for fruitful cooperation with Donald Trump.

Russia Will Stay In Syria for a Long Time

Russia Will Stay In Syria for a Long Time

The Russian Federation makes its military presence in the civil war-torn Syria official, which shows once again that the country wants to build its Middle-East fronton there, regardless of the result of the conflict.

Sentences for Killing Nemtsov

Sentences for Killing Nemtsov

It all went according to plan. The executors of Boris Nemtsov’s assassination were found guilty and sentenced to jail. Further links in the conspiracy will remain secret and the investigation will go on for years.

Russia Covers MH17 Tracks

Russia Covers MH17 Tracks

Three years after the Malaysian Boeing airliner flying over Donbass was shot down, new facts seem to come out which may confirm Russia’s responsibility for the disaster.
