Russia Monitor Articles
Russia’s Diplomatic Failures in the Balkans: No End to the War

Russia’s Diplomatic Failures in the Balkans: No End to the War

Russia’s attempt to undermine a deal between Macedonia and Greece may eventually end up with a great political catastrophe. Aggressive activities conducted by the state’s services have already resulted with a crisis in its relations with Greece.

Brand-New Missiles and New Deadlines: Russia Modernizes Its Nuclear Army

Brand-New Missiles and New Deadlines: Russia Modernizes Its Nuclear Army

Not only are the Russians providing their nuclear army with new types of weapon but they also change the methodology of the military drills. After 20 years, they finally managed to achieve a sufficient quality of the Bulava ballistic missile while works on the Yars missile are still in progress.

Wagner versus Patriot: Fighting for Mercenary Control

Wagner versus Patriot: Fighting for Mercenary Control

Russian war veterans have recently sent an appeal for the legalization of private military companies in the country. The statement ended “conspiracy of silence” on the issue. In addition, it coincided with some information about a new Russian private military company operating in Syria.

Putin-Trump Summit in Helsinki: What Worries Russian President

Putin-Trump Summit in Helsinki: What Worries Russian President

The Kremlin took advantage of a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump to consider this fact as a great success of its propaganda. Moscow’s hopes were even more fuelled by Trump’s vague statements about NATO and Crimea. Moreover, Trump was not eager to answer the question whether Russia could be perceived in terms of America’s friend or rather enemy.

Dangerous Activities of Russia’s Navy Fleet

Dangerous Activities of Russia’s Navy Fleet

While organizing a large-scale sports event, each country is expected to take care of its security. So it does not come as a surprise that Russia had decided to alert its services as well as the army. But what do these two, preventing terrorist attacks and massive force concentration in the Sea of Azov, have in common?

Pension Gap Between Russia’s Siloviki and Civilians

Pension Gap Between Russia’s Siloviki and Civilians

The decision to raise the retirement age has recently caused huge resentment among many Russian citizens. Their outrage may turn out to be even greater as well as it might eventually result in social protests if the authorities do not change the rules of the so-called uniformed service personnel pensions.

Austria and Nord Stream 2: Judge in Its Own Case

Austria and Nord Stream 2: Judge in Its Own Case

On July 1, Austria took over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This is great news for all participants of the Nord Stream 2 project especially due to the fact that an Austrian company is involved in its implementation. Vienna will probably seek to sabotage and to delay the EU initiatives that could harm the construction of the gas pipeline along the Baltic Sea bed.

Trump’s Syrian Trap Before the Summit with Putin

Trump’s Syrian Trap Before the Summit with Putin

Speculations about a meeting between Russian and American presidents aroused at the very beginning of a new war campaign in Syria. Having attacked a so-called “de-escalation zone” in southwestern Syria, Bashar al-Assad put the United States in a very difficult position.

Gazprom Against Generals

Gazprom Against Generals

Gazprom has to fulfil three main functions. First, the company is expected to provide income to subcontractors. Secondly, Gazprom aims to pursue Russia’s foreign policy. And thirdly, export revenues will make it possible to subsidise supplies for domestic customers, especially the most important ones.

Russia and the War for Libyan Oil

Russia and the War for Libyan Oil

The short-term occupation of the two largest oil ports in Libya, as well as damaging some important facilities in Ras Lanuf, has recently shown that the country was not able to benefit from increases in world’s oil prices. At present, there is no good solution since none of the sides has enough advantage to tilt the fate of the conflict in their own favor.

Putin and Government’s Popularity Is Dropping in Polls

Putin and Government’s Popularity Is Dropping in Polls

Undoubtedly, Russia’s authorities have thought that the propaganda noise around the football championship would soften some harsh social consequences of recent unpopular economic decisions. As a result, they will probably withdraw to a certain extent from the pension reform.

Oil and Tanks: Russians Strengthen Their Position in Iraq

Oil and Tanks: Russians Strengthen Their Position in Iraq

New Baghdad government, elected after the May parliamentary ballot, will not have any significant impact on the existing good relations between Russia and Iraq. Instead, it should be expected that the Iraqi army would purchase Russian military equipment while Russian state-owned oil companies will develop their further activities in the country.

Missiles, Fleet and Trump. Football World Cup Overshadows Russia’s Policy, Part 2

Missiles, Fleet and Trump. Football World Cup Overshadows Russia’s Policy, Part 2

As for its image, the FIFA World Cup opening ceremony could not have the same effects as the inauguration of the Olympic Games in Sochi. But even the visit of the heir to the Saudi throne has brought some fruitful results. Nonetheless, apart from conducting “football diplomacy”, Russia is clearly flexing its military muscles.
