Russia Monitor Articles
Attractive Russian Woman and Guns

Attractive Russian Woman and Guns

Mariia Butina, a Russian national indicted by a federal grand jury, has been spying for Russia for years. The 29-year-old has specialized in an alleged fight for the broadest possible right to bear a gun in her native country.

Rosneft to Start Extracting Oil in Iraqi Kurdistan

Rosneft to Start Extracting Oil in Iraqi Kurdistan

The Russians will start to extract oil in the Kurdish part of Iraq at any moment, as confirmed by reports from both sides of a deal concluded in October 2017. At that time, Russia’s oil company Rosneft purchased 80 percent of shares in five oil fields.

Russia’s Tax Manoeuvre: Triumph of Oil Lobbies

Russia’s Tax Manoeuvre: Triumph of Oil Lobbies

A long-time battle over the shape of taxation changes in Russia’s oil industry will probably end up with the success of oil companies. The government will use its best efforts to make sure that they feel as less affected by the consequences of the so-called tax manoeuvre as possible.

Oil Companies Damage Russian Environment

Oil Companies Damage Russian Environment

Greenpeace has recently drawn attention to damages made to Russia’s natural environment due to the disastrous state of the country’s pipelines. Rosneft has accused Greenpeace of performing actions ordered by other entities. The NGO has long been under Russia’s scrutiny.

Putin’s Persian Game

Putin’s Persian Game

The Russian-Iranian alliance has not been exposed to such a difficult test for a long time. In July, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin held a meeting at the Helsinki summit; both leaders met face-to-face in order to discuss the issue of Syria as well as the role of Iran.

Under Special Supervision: Corruption Scandal in Russia’s Refineries

Under Special Supervision: Corruption Scandal in Russia’s Refineries

It was only recently that a series of corruption scandals have been revealed in the supervisory institution of Russia’s refinery industry. An investigation led to the deputy head of Rostekhnadzor; interestingly, she is a friend of Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin. It is another example of his huge influence in the Russian oil and gas sector; in addition, it constitutes a blatant manifestation of a high-level corruption in this industry.

Putin’s Inner Circle in Turmoil Following Corruption Scandal

Putin’s Inner Circle in Turmoil Following Corruption Scandal

The Investigative Committee and the FSB are currently dealing with the corruption case in Gazprom and its subsidiary, Sogaz insurance company. The enterprise constitutes one of the oil giants in Russia; in addition, it has been privatized and is now controlled by businessmen belonging to Putin’s inner circle. For years, the company has been provided with lucrative contracts from state-owned companies (primarily Gazprom).

FSB’s Spy-Hunt: Hypersonic Leak and an Expert on Latvia

FSB’s Spy-Hunt: Hypersonic Leak and an Expert on Latvia

While Russian spies are being exposed, expelled and detained in some Western countries (as evidenced by the case of 12 GRU officers and the arrest of Mariia Butina in the USA as well as scandals in Greece and Macedonia), the FSB counter-intelligence officers are now hunting Western spies in Russia.

Russia’s Threat to Finland

Russia’s Threat to Finland

The recent summit in Helsinki reminded that the city had already witnessed some important meetings between representatives of the West and the East. Nonetheless, they all took place during the Cold War era. At that time, Finland held a specific status of a state actually belonging to the Soviet zone of influence; nonetheless, the country kept its nominal independence and political system (which led to the creation of the term “Finlandization”).

Helsinki Summit: No Peace for Trump

Helsinki Summit: No Peace for Trump

There were no concrete decisions that the Kremlin could consider in terms of an American concession made to Russia. Thus, it was not so much about Putin’s victory but rather it was Trump who had lost, as the latter preferred to focus on Russiagate and his own troubles in Washington.

Russia’s GRU: Front-Line Service in the War with the West

Russia’s GRU: Front-Line Service in the War with the West

A federal grand jury in the United States charged 12 Russian military intelligence officers with carrying out hacking activities during the 2016 presidential campaign. The media have also reported that either former or current GRU officers had been responsible for the attempted assassination of the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal.
