(Geopolitical Notebook) NATO Expansion to the Nordic Countries: A Done Deal?

(Geopolitical Notebook) NATO Expansion to the Nordic Countries: A Done Deal?

The prospect of Finland and Sweden joining NATO will certainly rile Russia. Both coun-tries have remained neutral but due to the war in Ukraine, see NATO as their sole long term security guarantee. Finland is preparing a defence “white paper” to assess the pros and cons of joining the military alliance. In the meanwhile, parliamentary debates will be underway and a formal application to join is expected to be filed with Brussels’ HQ be-fore the next NATO summit at the end of June.

Emmanuel Macron, his economic balance sheet and the coming presidential election

Emmanuel Macron, his economic balance sheet and the coming presidential election

As the French presidential election is coming and will be held in April 2022, Emmanuel Macron (still not officially candidate) knows that French people are about to estimate the government actions concerning the cost of living and purchasing power. Propositions around these two main concerns will influence electoral behaviours and decide the next French President for five-year term.

Strengthening between China and Russia with the Ukrainian conflict

Strengthening between China and Russia with the Ukrainian conflict

On the afternoon of February 25th, a telephone conversation was held between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, where the two sides exchanged views on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The Russian president argued the situation and position of Russia’s special military operations in the eastern part of Ukraine, claiming that the United States and NATO have long ignored his country’s reasonable security concerns, repeatedly failing to fulfill their commitments, continuing their advance in military deployment to the east, challenging Russia’s strategic outcome.

Is the United States Partially Responsible for Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine?

Is the United States Partially Responsible for Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine?

Vladimir Putin’s bloody regime invaded Ukraine in the last week of February. Since then, the media are constantly reporting on the course of hostilities and the losses on both sides of the conflict. Thousands of civilians have died, and the borders of European Union (EU) countries have been flooded with crowds of refugees looking for a safe place. The United States became the leader in response to the criminal actions of the Russian Federation and rallied the entire Free World in an economic counteroffensive against the Putin regime. However, looking back at the last 20 years, one can conclude that Washington also bears some responsibility for the current situation in Ukraine.

ASEAN’s Relations with the EU and Poland: An Analysis

ASEAN’s Relations with the EU and Poland: An Analysis

International relations are a system of communicating vessels where individual subjects of international law are primarily the participants in the global economy. The Euro-Atlantic area, affected by numerous political and economic processes, originating both inside and outside its territory, cannot therefore be regarded as a completely isolated system, in which only NATO and its member states, or the European Union and the United States, would play a role. A good example of this is the recurring negative influence of the Russian Federation as a European security actor.

Geopolitical Notebook: Honduras a Central American “Narco State”?

Geopolitical Notebook: Honduras a Central American “Narco State”?

The Polish foreign correspondent Richard Kapuscinski wrote The Soccer War chronicling how a soccer match sparked an armed border conflict. Today, the country is in the news for a different reason associated with drug trafficking at the highest levels. The country’s erstwhile president Juan Orlando Hernández was last week arrested on drug trafficking and faces prosecution and extradition to the US. On what charges? The former disgraced president was involved in “… a violent drug trafficking conspiracy” which involved the shipment of hundreds of tons of cocaine to the US. In return, Hernández received “millions of dollars in bribes and proceeds” according to the prosecutors’ indictment obtained by the Financial Times.

A former director of the Open Society was recorded saying that George Soros have full influence in the press of Poland and Hungary

A former director of the Open Society was recorded saying that George Soros have full influence in the press of Poland and Hungary

The Hungarian daily Magyar Nemzet has recently published an article after receiving a set of documents from an unidentifiable email address. Among them is a several-hour Skype interview with Andrej Nosko, an Open Society Foundation former director. In this conversation, he revealed how the influence network of international organizations works to manipulate the news against the European conservative countries. Also, he admitted that there has been an unfair and biased campaign against Poland and Hungary, financed by different globalist organizations and confirmed the existence of a double standard.

Current challenges of American politics. American Alert 1

Current challenges of American politics. American Alert 1

On Tuesday, February 1, Warsaw Institute organized another event. On the first day of the new month, the first episode of the new series called “American Alert” took place. The subject of the program were the current challenges of American politics. Professor David Jones, an expert in foreign policy, spoke about US domestic policy and diplomacy.

Social Crisis in Kazakhstan. Repercussions for Poland

Social Crisis in Kazakhstan. Repercussions for Poland

The first symptoms of civil disobedience began inconspicuously with the roadblocks set up by residents in the town of Zhanaozen on January 2, 2022 . It was there in 2011 that Nazarbayev’s security forces, while pacifying demonstrations, killed, according to official government estimates, 18 people, however, as the opposition claims, up to a hundred demonstrators may have been killed

Poland’s plan challenging Russian gas dominance

Poland’s plan challenging Russian gas dominance

Poland will no longer need Russian gas supplies delivered by the Yamal pipeline from October 2022, due to the start of North Sea gas supplies through the new Baltic Pipe. The Yamal natural gas contract, signed in September 1996 between the Polish gas company PGNiG and the Russian energy giant Gazprom, expires on December 31th, 2022 and will not be renewed, since gas will be imported from Norway from the 1st of October, becoming more independent of the whims of the Kremlin.

Hungary elections 2022- Warsaw Institute discussion panel

Hungary elections 2022- Warsaw Institute discussion panel

On January 17, a panel discussion was held, the theme of which was the upcoming parliamentary elections in Hungary. The discussion was attended by: Sándor Gallai, MCC School Head of Social Sciences and History, András Hajdú, political scientist and PhD student at Corvinus University in Budapest.

U.S.-Russia Talks – Defusing a Tension on Ukraine? Warsaw Institute discussion panel

U.S.-Russia Talks – Defusing a Tension on Ukraine? Warsaw Institute discussion panel

On Wednesday, January 12, the Warsaw Institute organized a discussion panel concerning the assessment of Monday’s negotiations between representatives of the US diplomacy and their counterparts on the side of the Russian Federation. The topic of the talks in Geneva was the issue of Ukraine’s security. For months, nearly 100,000 Russian soldiers have been stationed on the Russian-Ukrainian border.

USA before negotiations with Russia in Geneva

USA before negotiations with Russia in Geneva

Negotiations between the United States and the Russian Federation begin in Geneva on Monday, January 10. The topic of talks between representatives of both countries is the security of Ukraine and the entire region of Eastern Europe.
