Russia Monitor Monthly 7/23

Russia – China’s Junior Partner

Russia – China’s Junior Partner

Gone are the days when Communist China asked Joseph Stalin for help. It is even difficult to talk about an equal partnership between Moscow and Beijing.

Four Years After the Tragedy in the Colectiv Club

Four Years After the Tragedy in the Colectiv Club

65 people died and hundreds were hurt in the disastrous fire in 2015. The tragedy happened in Bucharest during the Halloween concert. Subsequent protests led to the collapse of the Social Democratic government of Victor Ponta.

Conference: ”NATO Eastern Flank Security. Baltic States and Poland.”

Conference: ”NATO Eastern Flank Security. Baltic States and Poland.”

An international conference “NATO Eastern Flank Security; Baltic States and Poland” will take place in Warsaw on November 28, 2019. The objective of this event is a debate with the representatives of the expert community about the strategic relations between Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland in defence and energy aspects.

Russia-Africa Summit: Will Malofeev Take Over Prigozhin’s Role?

Russia-Africa Summit: Will Malofeev Take Over Prigozhin’s Role?

The inaugural Russia-Africa summit was held in October 23–24 in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russia. With the attendance of some 40 African heads of state and a vast group of 10,000 guests from both Russia and African countries, the Russia-Africa summit confirms the continent’s high level of interest in cementing cooperation with Moscow.

Friend or Foe: Russia Gets Support in Afghan Peace Talks

Friend or Foe: Russia Gets Support in Afghan Peace Talks

Moscow is renewing efforts to resume dialogue between the United States and the Taliban. Following a visit of the Taliban delegation in September, U.S. special envoy to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad made a trip to Moscow on behalf of Washington.

Rosneft Earns Tax Breaks for its Arctic Projects

Rosneft Earns Tax Breaks for its Arctic Projects

Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin has secured longed-for tax cuts for his company’s Arctic projects. The mere fact that the Russian government has given its consent should be seen as a victory of the chief of the country’s biggest oil producer.

American Jamestown quotes the Warsaw Institute report

American Jamestown quotes the Warsaw Institute report

In the publication of the American think tank Jamestown Foundation “How to Defend the Baltic States” by Dr. Richard D. Hooker Junior, refers to a Warsaw Institute report “US Permanent Military Base in Poland: Favorable Solution for the NATO Alliance.”

Russia’s activities in Africa – a statement for El Periodico

Russia’s activities in Africa – a statement for El Periodico

Grzegorz Kuczyński, expert at the Warsaw Institute, gave an interview about the Russian presence in Africa for El Periodico, one of the largest Catalan dailies. In the article by Marc Marginedas, you can read, among others, why Russia considers Africa as an arena of rivalry, especially with the West.
