Latvian media cite Warsaw Institute

Latvian media cite Warsaw Institute

Latvian portal, created by the country’s Ministry of Defense and specializing in security issues, has cited Warsaw Institute’s article about the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on Russian economy.

Putin For Life? Kremlin Wants Nation Support Now

Putin For Life? Kremlin Wants Nation Support Now

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that a referendum on constitutional changes that would allow him to stay in office past his current term will be held on July 1, or basically throughout the whole last week of June. With a blend of the Victory Day parade and plausible vote-rigging tools, the Kremlin seeks to hit both an adequate turnout vote and a much-desired result.

Merkel – Xi Jinping talk

Merkel – Xi Jinping talk

A phone call between the German Chancellor – Angela Merkel and the President of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) – Xi Jinping, took place in the evening of June 3, 2020. The conversation concerned future cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic and strengthening economic relations.

The return of the US-China trade war?

The return of the US-China trade war?

On June 1, Bloomberg announced that the Chinese authorities ordered the state companies to stop importing soybean and meat from the USA. This move is contrary to the trade agreement (phase one deal) signed on January 15, 2020, which obliged China to increase its imports of agricultural products by an additional 32 billion dollars, taking 2017 as a starting point.

Warsaw Institute cited by Energetyka24

Warsaw Institute cited by Energetyka24

The portal in its analysis entitled “Schrödinger’s hydrocarbons. How Russia falsified information about gas and oil resources” cited the Warsaw Institute article and quoted a passage about Alexei Kudrin, head of the Russian Accounting Chamber.

Russian drilling in the Antarctic

Russian drilling in the Antarctic

While Russia’s activity in the Arctic is relatively widely commented on, much less known are the recent actions taken by the Russians at the opposite pole – in the Antarctic. Despite the international ban on the extraction of natural resources there, Moscow recently conducted seismic surveys, estimating the abundance of local oil and gas deposits.

Li Keqiang’s meeting with journalists

Li Keqiang’s meeting with journalists

On Thursday, May 28, a meeting between the Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Li Keqiang and domestic as well as foreign journalists was held. The vast majority of the questions concerned economic matters, only a few of them dealt with the international relations.
