Russia Monitor Articles
Ulyukayev’s Trial and Purges in the FSB

Ulyukayev’s Trial and Purges in the FSB

The trial of Alexey Ulyukayev, former economy minister, is coming to an end. It is the same trial that has already severely damaged the political position of Igor Sechin, the key witness, who had refused several times to testify in court.

Donbass Coup D’état – an Analysis

Donbass Coup D’état – an Analysis

A coup d’état took place in Luhansk area of the occupied region of Donbass at the end of November. As a result, Igor Plotnitsky was replaced by Leonid Pasechnik. Such a change constitutes the victory of the FSB and, at the same time, the defeat of Vladislav Surkov along with the allied GRU forces.

How does Russia escape sanctions?

How does Russia escape sanctions?

A new draft bill that will limit the negative effects of the implementation of the new US law on sanctions against Russia has been introduced in the Duma. The Russian government has already announced that any purchases made by the power institutions listed in the US law will remain secret.

Putin and Kadyrov. Together in life and death

Putin and Kadyrov. Together in life and death

Ramzan Kadyrov’s most recent declaration about his dream of leaving the office of the Chechen President has caused a political firestorm in Russia and abroad. This was just a political ploy, the purpose of which was to confirm the unique position of Kadyrov by the Kremlin and to put pressure on maintaining extremely high, in comparison with other regions of Russia, federal subsidies for the republican budget.

Russia’s Regions Rise Up

Russia’s Regions Rise Up

Theoretically, Russia is a federal country. After taking over the government, Vladimir Putin has repressed the aspirations of republics for their greater autonomy and took over the actual control over the election of governors and presidents of Russian subjects.

Ulyukayev’s Trial. Why Does Sechin Avoid the Court?

Ulyukayev’s Trial. Why Does Sechin Avoid the Court?

Igor Sechin failed to show up as a witness at the bribery trial of a former Russian economy minister, Alexey Ulyukayev. Such a situation appeared for the fourth time. Sechin’s attitude makes the trial ridiculous, which increases Ulyukayev’s chances to get a favorable sentence.

Why Does Putin Need War Communism

Why Does Putin Need War Communism

Domestic war with the “whites”, military intervention of the Western states, war with Poland, economic crisis – once the Bolsheviks had come to power, they had to struggle for its maintenance for three year. It was possible also thanks to the introduction of the so-called military communism while all the country’s economy had to work for the armies of Lenin, Trotsky and others.

“Coup” in Lugansk

“Coup” in Lugansk

After a provocation on the so-called “November 5th Revolution”, about which we wrote a dozen or so days ago, the FSB, feeling threatened by the growing strength of competing power structures, hit a new target.

The Arctic Front

The Arctic Front

Russia has been expanding its military capabilities in the Arctic for several years. In December, it will be three years since the Arctic Joint Strategic Command was established on the basis of the Northern Fleet; more military bases are being built in northern Russia, new weapons are being transported there and more and more drills are taking place.

November 5th Revolution. How Does the FSB Do It?

November 5th Revolution. How Does the FSB Do It?

Hundreds of supporters of the Artpodgotovka movement were arrested –e prone to use any violent methods. At the same time, the FSB can announce its success, as it managed to liquidate the “anti-state conspiracy”, which seems to be very important in the face of the growing strength of the competitive National Guard.

Another Russian Spy Arrested in Estonia

Another Russian Spy Arrested in Estonia

No other NATO member country so often detains Russian spies as Estonia does. On the one hand, such a state of affairs may be due to the local counterintelligence, regarded as one of the most effective services of the Alliance, and, more specifically, on its eastern flank.

Russia’s Internal Sea?

Russia’s Internal Sea?

Moscow is consistently increasing its military capabilities in the Caspian Sea. Although Russia is only one of its five coastal countries, it seeks to transform the basin into its “internal sea” in a longer perspective.

The media war between Russia and the USA

The media war between Russia and the USA

The Russian-American conflict intensifies – this time it is all about the mass media. The actions of the US administration, which were aimed at limiting the information war led by the Russians on the US territory, have caused Moscow to react with similar measures.
