Russia Monitor Articles
Oil and Football: Russia and Saudi Arabia to Strenghten Mutual Cooperation

Oil and Football: Russia and Saudi Arabia to Strenghten Mutual Cooperation

The opening ceremony of the 2018 FIFA World Cup as well as the tournament’s opening match served as a great excuse for the heir to the Saudi throne to pay a visit to Moscow. Instead of paying attention to the result of the game (Russia beat Saudi Arabia 5-0), he was more interested in oil diplomacy.

Rosneft’s Problem with Venezuela

Rosneft’s Problem with Venezuela

Venezuela, ruled successively by Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro, has become Russia’s main ally in the Western Hemisphere. The alliance appears to be quite costly as Russia actually subsidies Venezuela’s socialist-managed economy. Russia’s state oil giant Rosneft plays the main role in the alliance while its CEO Igor Sechin has become the principal liaison between Moscow and Caracas.

More U.S. Marines to Be Deployed in Norway? Russia Protests and Threatens

More U.S. Marines to Be Deployed in Norway? Russia Protests and Threatens

The government in Oslo has recently suggested that the USA double the number of marines stationed in the country as well as deploy them closer to Russia’s borders. The Norwegian Arctic is important for Russia as evidenced by the country has recently set up another its fifth territorial military district.

Ukraine Hits Gazprom’s European Assets

Ukraine Hits Gazprom’s European Assets

Russia’s Gazprom has not fulfilled the decision of the Stockholm arbitration tribunal. According to the final verdict announced in February, the Russian company will have to pay Ukrainian state-owned energy firm Naftogaz 2.56 billion dollars of compensation.

Spain’s New Eastern Foreign Policy Is Yet to Come

Spain’s New Eastern Foreign Policy Is Yet to Come

The fact that an officer known for his pro-Russian views was appointed Director General of Spain’s Department of National Security has recently caused a wave of speculation that thanks to such a nomination, Madrid might introduce more favourable policy towards Moscow. However, it is too early for such claims.

Top U.S. and Russian Generals Meet for Talks

Top U.S. and Russian Generals Meet for Talks

The top U.S. military chief held a meeting with his Russian counterparts in neutral Finland. Nevertheless, it does not mean any change in the military cooperation of both countries, which can be now considered as very limited one. The main purpose of the talks was to clarify the recent tensions in Syria as well as to discuss the need to improve information exchange mechanisms in order to avoid potentially dangerous situations.

War in Syria: Putin’s Words Stained with Blood

War in Syria: Putin’s Words Stained with Blood

According to Vladimir Putin, Russia will still be one of the main participants of the Syria. Russian president was asked about the country’s participation in the conflict during his annual Q&A show. The declaration was followed by the raid of Russian aviation in the Idlib province.

War with Ukraine: Putin Responds (Not Only) to the Russians

War with Ukraine: Putin Responds (Not Only) to the Russians

For many, Vladimir Putin’s annual live television call-in show did not appear to be surprising. Statements on the Ukrainian conflict aroused some strong emotions. Some observes even claim that Russia’s president has threatened to destroy Ukraine’s statehood. But is that really true?

Putin’s Important Declaration: What Will He Do in 2024?

Putin’s Important Declaration: What Will He Do in 2024?

According to Russia’s constitution, Putin is bound to leave the Kremlin when his current term ends in 2024. Nevertheless, the law may be subject to changes. Putin claims that he has no intention to amend the constitution in order to satisfy his own needs. But does he?

Putin in Austria: Friendly Visit among the Gas Fumes

Putin in Austria: Friendly Visit among the Gas Fumes

It is not a coincidence that Vladimir Putin headed to Vienna to make his first foreign trip since being sworn in for a fourth term. Austria has always been considered as one of Russia’s friendlier EU member states. Now cooperation between both countries can be reinforced thanks to the presence of the pro-Russia Freedom Party (FPÖ) in the Austrian government.

Worse Forecasts for Russia’s Economy

Worse Forecasts for Russia’s Economy

This year, Russia’s economic growth will be much lower than it has been previously assumed. The analyses of the subsequent Western investment banks were confirmed by Alexei Kudrin. Chairman of the Accounts Chamber admitted that poorer forecasts had been triggered by American sanctions introduced in April.

Turkmenbashi Sea Port: New Road to Central Asia

Turkmenbashi Sea Port: New Road to Central Asia

The launching of a large commercial port on the Caspian Sea coast has a great signifiance not only for Turkmenistan whose authorities have been pursuing a strategy of economic opening to external markets.
