Russia Monitor Articles
Three Possible Scenarios For Russia’s Oil Production

Three Possible Scenarios For Russia’s Oil Production

Russia’s oil production will grow for some ten years while noting a decline afterward, according to the Energy Ministry estimate drafting oil production in the country. The difference is in the possible scale of the increase and that of the decline and when the peak will take place.

Russia Reshuffles Governors Ahead of Elections. Shoigu Triumphs

Russia Reshuffles Governors Ahead of Elections. Shoigu Triumphs

Russia’s oil production will grow for some ten years while noting a decline afterward, according to the Energy Ministry estimate drafting oil production in the country. The difference is in the possible scale of the increase and that of the decline and when the peak will take place.

A Stab in Ukraine’s Back? Russian Exercises in Breakaway Transnistria

A Stab in Ukraine’s Back? Russian Exercises in Breakaway Transnistria

With the number of Russian troops hoarding on Ukraine’s border and the growing threat of war, Kyiv is in a somewhat perilous position. It sees threats alongside its whole eastern border with Russia, as well as in the north (from Belarus), and in the south as the Russian forces sit in Crimea whereas a far stronger Russian flotilla is operating in the Black Sea.

Tensions in the Black Sea: Turkey Supports Ukraine

Tensions in the Black Sea: Turkey Supports Ukraine

Countries bordering the Black Sea are carefully observing tensions going up between Russia and Ukraine and the threat of war posed by the former state. It is notably Turkey that has in recent years built cordial ties with Russia. Also, it is a NATO member and––most importantly––it has boosted its position throughout the region.

Putin Signs Law Allowing Him To Stay In Power Until 2036

Putin Signs Law Allowing Him To Stay In Power Until 2036

Two Russian diplomats flew back to Moscow on April 1 as Italy expelled them shortly before. Employees of the Russian embassy’s military attache were involved in a spy scandal as an Italian naval officer was detained on March 30 on spying charges, marking the most serious espionage incident since the Cold War. This may bring severe consequences since Italy is one of the countries within the European Union and NATO with the warmest relations with Russia. Another nation having such a cordial link to Russia is Bulgaria whose authorities smashed a Russian spy ring a dozen or so days ago.

Who Are Ukraine’s Reliable and Fake Allies

Who Are Ukraine’s Reliable and Fake Allies

A friend in need is a friend indeed, a popular saying goes. Growing tensions between Moscow and Kyiv and the mounting threat to Ukraine make a good test checking true intentions of Kyiv’s Western partners.

Putin’s Dismissal. Tuva Leader Change

Putin’s Dismissal. Tuva Leader Change

The resignation of the governor of Tuva seems surprising at first glance. Sholban Kara-ool ruled the republic for over a decade, enjoyed great popularity and, above all, ensured political stability and excellent election results for Vladimir Putin. Tuva is traditionally an area of ​​political influence of the Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu, which, moreover, comes from there.

Russian Espionage Scandal in Italy

Russian Espionage Scandal in Italy

Two Russian diplomats flew back to Moscow on April 1 as Italy expelled them shortly before. Employees of the Russian embassy’s military attache were involved in a spy scandal as an Italian naval officer was detained on March 30 on spying charges, marking the most serious espionage incident since the Cold War. This may bring severe consequences since Italy is one of the countries within the European Union and NATO with the warmest relations with Russia. Another nation having such a cordial link to Russia is Bulgaria whose authorities smashed a Russian spy ring a dozen or so days ago.

U.S. Demand for Russian Oil and Fuels Hits Record High

U.S. Demand for Russian Oil and Fuels Hits Record High

Throughout 2020, U.S. companies bought a great deal of crude oil and related products from Russia. Nonetheless, this is a brief situation and has no political background. The United States remains self-sufficient for fuels and the recent increase in imports from Russia stems mostly from its struggle to keep output at a constant level amid the coronavirus pandemic. Importantly, these are just temporary problems.

Gazprom Chairman Says Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline to Be Finished This Year

Gazprom Chairman Says Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline to Be Finished This Year

The Russians are sure to complete the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline on time. As the U.S. administration has not introduced any new sanctions, Russia is going ahead with the construction of its controversial energy link. Construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline for carrying Russian natural gas to Europe will be completed this year, Viktor Zubkov, the chairman of Gazprom’s board of directors, said on March 26 while visiting Berlin. Gazprom’s board chairman said that work on Nord Stream 2 was already 92.5 percent complete while intense work was underway to complete the link.

More Soldiers Killed in Ukraine’s Donbas

More Soldiers Killed in Ukraine’s Donbas

Tensions are on the rise on the frontline in Donbas. Last Friday, on March 26, four Ukrainian soldiers were killed in shelling as Russian forces and pro-Russian separatist fighters opened fire. Among the killed was Lieutenant Colonel Serhiy Koval. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy urged the leaders of the so-called Normandy Format, a diplomatic process involving Ukraine, Russia, Germany, and France aimed at resolving the conflict, to tackle the conflict amid the increase in fighting in Donbas.

Russia’s Governor Hunt: Spring Season Has Begun

Russia’s Governor Hunt: Spring Season Has Begun

The arrest and then the removal of the governor of the Penza region on suspicion of taking a bribe suggests a new wave of criminal cases against senior officials in Russia. Right before the election, the Kremlin seeks to accomplish two goals: show people that the government is ruthlessly pursuing high-level corruption cases and discipline local elites ahead of the State Duma vote in September this year. Targeting the governor of Penza shows that even those officials who are most loyal to the Kremlin cannot feel secure in their positions.

Volodin’s Close Associate Gets a Job in Novatek

Volodin’s Close Associate Gets a Job in Novatek

Tatyana Voronova, a senior official in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, has got a lucrative job in the private energy giant Novatek. Voronova has long been a protege of Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the lower chamber of the Russian parliament. These two in the past worked together in the Kremlin.

Putin For Life: State Duma Resets Presidential Term-Limit Clock to Zero

Putin For Life: State Duma Resets Presidential Term-Limit Clock to Zero

The State Duma, the lower chamber of the Russian parliament, has approved a law that gives the incumbent president the right to run for two more terms. Importantly, the new legislation resets all presidential terms held before the updates came into effect. This means that Vladimir Putin is eligible to serve as Russian president for two more terms once his current one expires.
