Russia Monitor Articles
Doomed for Iran

Doomed for Iran

The military involvement of the US in Syria after the chemical attack and the visibly growing Russian-US conflict strengthen the Teheran-Damascus-Moscow axis.

Electoral Intrigue

Electoral Intrigue

Presidential elections in Russia have been scheduled for March 2018. Vladimir Putin hasn’t declared yet whether he will participate.

Bear’s Air Provocations

Bear’s Air Provocations

Four times in recent days after nearly two years of silence. Russian army aircraft, including strategic bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons, appeared in immediate proximity of US and Canada borders.

Russian Mercenaries in Syria

Russian Mercenaries in Syria

It has been known for a long time that Bashar al-Assad has huge problems in replenishing losses in his troops. The government forces are too lean to conduct large offensive operations in various Syrian regions and guard already captured terrain at the same time.

London Sharply Criticizes Russia

London Sharply Criticizes Russia

The chemical attack of the Assad regime on civilians and Trump’s missile response brought about radical changes in international politics.

A Cold War in Afghanistan

A Cold War in Afghanistan

In recent weeks, tension between Russia and the USA in yet another point of conflict in the Middle East has mounted.

Gas Retreat from Central Asia

Gas Retreat from Central Asia

The information that Gazprom has signed a contract to purchase gas from Uzbekistan has given rise to much speculation.

Oil War between Kadyrov and Sechin

Oil War between Kadyrov and Sechin

The news about a conflict between Igor Sechin and Ramazan Kadyrov, published by The Financial Times, produced nervous reactions in Russia.

A GRU Spy in Estonia

A GRU Spy in Estonia

Estonian counterintelligence, namely the Security Police, has arrested a Russian national who, according to the Estonians, is an employee of Main Intelligence Agency of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Native Terrorists

Native Terrorists

After the attack in St. Petersburg subway, launched by a Kyrgyz-born man, the director of Federal Security Service (FSB) Alexander Bortnikov admitted that major terrorist threat in Russia is posed by migrants coming from other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), not from the Middle East.

Moldavian Scores, a Russian Link

Moldavian Scores, a Russian Link

On April 7, seventeen people were detained at the same time in Chisinau and Kiev. Moldavian and Ukrainian authorities claim that they had planned to assassinate Vladimir Plahotniuc, a Moldovan businessman and politician.

Serbian Slalom

Serbian Slalom

Russia will supply warplanes, tanks and armored vehicles to Serbia. Confirmation of this news coincided with the presidential elections in this Balkan state.
