Russia Monitor Monthly 7/23

U.S. Congress Shows Support for Georgia

U.S. Congress Shows Support for Georgia

The U.S. Congress is currently working on the adoption of the Georgia Support Act, a piece of legislation establishing additional support mechanisms for the authorities in Tbilisi.

Russia Is Still Not Ready for Nuclear War

Russia Is Still Not Ready for Nuclear War

Held in October this year, Russia’s Grom (Thunder) 2019 strategic nuclear forces exercise revealed that the country’s atomic stockpile is far below expectations.

Who Will Bear the Banner of the 5G Revolution?

Who Will Bear the Banner of the 5G Revolution?

This simultaneously provides a range of never-before-seen opportunities and poses a threat to security, morphing into an issue that has ignited political rows around the world.

Poland’s 2019 Parliamentary Election

Poland’s 2019 Parliamentary Election

Held on October 13, 2019, Poland’s general election is first and foremost a success of democracy, as exemplified by crowds rushing to polling stations and a massive rise in voter turnout.

Poland First – Poland’s prescription for hard times

Poland First – Poland’s prescription for hard times

Poland is continuously benefiting from the guarantee of Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, renowned for assuring the help of allies in case of an attack on its territory. However, increasingly uncertain times seem impending, therein compelling Poland to reach for additional protective measures.

Tell us who you are.

Tell us who you are.

Renowned Polish-American author and poet John Guzlowski shares with us his struggles and ultimate reconciliation with his Polish identity in this interview with Daniel Pogorzelski, a writer and editor at

What is the future of the Eastern Partnership?

What is the future of the Eastern Partnership?

The 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) celebrated in 2019 is not only the time for summaries but also for discussions regarding the form of further cooperation between the EU and its eastern neighbors.

American-Chinese relations in the trade war context

American-Chinese relations in the trade war context

What are the causes of the current tension between Washington and Beijing? Why have the American President’s advisers opted for strengthening the relations with China for years? What does the return to the tianxia concept mean?

Hong Kong and Macau: The Paradoxes of Autonomy

Hong Kong and Macau: The Paradoxes of Autonomy

Macau and Hong Kong are former European colonies in Southeast Asia. Both territories have held the status of the special administrative regions under Chinese sovereignty since 1999 and 1997, respectively. This means that, except for their foreign and defense policies, they are self-governing bodies, albeit on the blessing of Beijing.

2019 European Election and its Outcomes

2019 European Election and its Outcomes

This year’s elections to the European Parliament brought about a number of changes in the shape of EU policy. The most important of them is probably the shifting of the entire spectrum of Euro-enthusiastic forces to the left.

The European Union will be better off without Frans Timmermans

The European Union will be better off without Frans Timmermans

One can assert, without too much doubt, that during the post-electoral phase, in which the European community fills in the most important EU positions, a political storm had passed that turned many otherwise intricately arranged tables upside down.

V4 in Changeful Espionage

V4 in Changeful Espionage

Albeit intelligence sharing is a praised notion, leverage-eliciting information is still exchanged for something else.
