Romanian Presidential Vote: Changes or No Change At All?

Romanian Presidential Vote: Changes or No Change At All?

The past six months brought a few twists and turns in Romanian politics. Incidents like the Social Democratic Party’s (PSD) tied vote in the European elections, a jail sentence for a former leader of this post-communist party, followed by the fall of the cabinet and the establishment of the interim government unleashed what could be referred to as a crisis within the group’s ranks.

The Baltic Fund presented to the Presidents of Poland and Estonia

The Baltic Fund presented to the Presidents of Poland and Estonia

The President of the Warsaw Institute Krzysztof Kamiński presented the main assumptions of the concept of establishing the Baltic Fund directly to the President of Poland Andrzej Duda and the President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid during the event “Poland-Estonia, a community of goals in the UN Security Council”.

New Polonia: mobility, identity and action in the digital age – expert debate and report premiere

New Polonia: mobility, identity and action in the digital age – expert debate and report premiere

On the evening of 11 December 2019, at the University of Warsaw’s Faculty of Information Journalism and Bibliology building, a unique and remarkably important event took place, featuring a panellist debate titled “New Polonia: mobility, identity and action in the digital age”. The meeting was organised in accompaniment to the presentation of The Warsaw Institute Review (WIR)’s latest report: “In pursuit of utopia. Poles in the world, Poland in the eyes of the world”. The event was attended and filmed by a team from TVP Polonia.

Sweden Faces the Russian Threat in the Baltic Sea

Sweden Faces the Russian Threat in the Baltic Sea

By beefing up its military presence in the exclave of Kaliningrad, flying provocative air patrols and by building next legs of the Nord Stream energy pipeline, Russia undermines the security of other countries in the Baltic region. Also, Moscow could take advantage of the pipeline’s energy infrastructure to take subversive actions in the Baltic Sea.

A Memorial out of Time?

A Memorial out of Time?

The magnificent Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge is not just another historic structure. This construction, also known as the I-74 Bridge, is the oldest existing suspension bridge over the Mississippi River.

Three Seas Gas Initiative. Is it possible?

Three Seas Gas Initiative. Is it possible?

Natural gas trade is possibly the most promising area for cooperation within the entire Three Seas Initiative. The infrastructure currently under construction will be an important factor in the further integration of the entire region.

Iraq survived the “Islamic State”

Iraq survived the “Islamic State”

It is impossible to discuss the situation in the Middle East –– from social, economic, military, or, broadly speaking, geopolitical perspectives –– without taking into account the war with ISIL.

Turkey’s invasion of Syria and its consequences for Europe

Turkey’s invasion of Syria and its consequences for Europe

Turkey’s invasion of North and East Syria has exposed the powerlessness of European countries, which, in spite of establishing a common position, have been unable to take any effective action. It will also have a far-reaching impact on increasing terrorist threat, new humanitarian crisis, and change in the geopolitical balance. Turkey’s dependence on Russia will also increase, and war crimes committed in Syria will affect NATO’s image.

Afghanistan’s Chance

Afghanistan’s Chance

It might not feel like it from the headlines, but Afghanistan is ready for peace. The circumstances and timing will never be absolutely perfect.

US or EU? Is there a strategic partnership dilemma for Norway?

US or EU? Is there a strategic partnership dilemma for Norway?

The US has been a traditional ally of Norway for 70 years as well as its main guarantor of security. Despite the fact that both countries share a strong bond at the strategic level, there are some incongruencies between them on the level of values and their visions for international cooperation.

Communist China

Communist China

In 1991, Poland saw its first fully free elections – since the end of World War II – to the Sejm and the Senate, the lower and upper houses of the Polish parliament. It is no exaggeration to say that for Poland, the first country to oppose the joint aggression by Germany and Soviet Russia that began that war, this was a pivotal moment.
