Russia Monitor Articles
Moscow’s Diplomatic Wars

Moscow’s Diplomatic Wars

Russia’s relations with Central and Eastern European, as well as Balkan countries are looking increasingly gloomy. The list of countries Russia is in conflict with continues to grow.

Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine under Threat

Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine under Threat

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is going on also on religious grounds. In Ukraine, two Orthodox Churches have been functioning side by side for years: Moscow Patriarchate, and Kiev, national, Patriarchate.

The Red and White Tradition of Putin

The Red and White Tradition of Putin

Putin’s state has been characterized by ideological eclecticism. It draws on ideals and traditions from various periods of Russian history, however based on a single criterion: the goal is to build a servile role of the citizens towards the state.

Putin’s Stalinist Guard

Putin’s Stalinist Guard

When establishment of the Russian National Guard was decided, references included American models. However, the Russian Guard rather resembles the Stalinist formation used to suppress behind-the-front areas during the last world war.

The Succession Mystery

The Succession Mystery

Vladimir Putin has still not revealed whether he will stand in the presidential elections in March 2018.

Creative Accounting of Energy Champions

Creative Accounting of Energy Champions

Russian economy is experiencing a crisis, incomes of ordinary citizens are falling, there is not enough money for the planned expenses, and reserve funds are diminishing dangerously fast.

Moldova Expels Russian Diplomats

Moldova Expels Russian Diplomats

A conflict between the government of Moldova and Russia has been growing for months. Expelling as many as five diplomats from the Russian embassy in Chisinau means that the conflict is getting fiercer.

Navalny Reveals Corruption (once again)

Navalny Reveals Corruption (once again)

The Anti-corruption Foundation of Alexei Navalny published new discrediting information about the ruling elite, business, and corruptive links between them.

USA Is Taking a Firm Stance Against Russia

USA Is Taking a Firm Stance Against Russia

Russia, next to Iran, is one of the countries most strongly dissatisfied with Trump’s first foreign trip. The NATO and G-7 summits as well as the signals coming from Washington promise more problems for Moscow.

Estonia Expels Russian Diplomats

Estonia Expels Russian Diplomats

Russian consul general and another consul in the town of Narva must leave Estonia by the end of May. The government in Tallinn give no reasons for declaring the two Russians as personae non gratae.

Gazprom Faring Poorly

Gazprom Faring Poorly

Recent performance figures of the gas giant, both the official ones and those computed by market analysts, point to a durable financial slump of the company.

A Potemkin-style Landing Operation

A Potemkin-style Landing Operation

The first “shock” units have been established in Russian Airborne Troops (VDV), boasted the command of this military branch, considered as the most elite one in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
