Russia Monitor Articles
Russian Army: Autumn’s Decline in Form

Russian Army: Autumn’s Decline in Form

It is known that in October and November, the Russian army’s military readiness declines and so does the military potential of the state. Such a situation is related to the rotation of a part of conscript soldiers as well as it can be ascribed to the annual inspection of military units. Moreover, no one should be afraid of Russia’s aggressive military activities until November.

Catalonia referendum: What does Russia want?

Catalonia referendum: What does Russia want?

The fact that Spanish media has mentioned the Russian participation in the escalation of attitudes before the Catalonia referendum seems to reflect the Western tendency to exaggerate Moscow’s destabilising role and its potential possibilities. However, it does not mean that the actions undertaken by the pro-Russian forces should be ignored.

Shoygu’s Troubles

Shoygu’s Troubles

Severe losses in Syria, some errors committed during the Zapad-2017 military drills, and, most of all, the loud corruption scandals in the army: Minister of Defense, Sergey Shoygu, has recently had a horrible time. The subsequent troubles may resonate with the general’s popularity (in this regard, only Putin seems to be more prominent than him), but, more importantly, they might weaken his position in the power elite.

Moscow’s Kurdish Dilemma

Moscow’s Kurdish Dilemma

Russia’s position towards the independence aspirations of Iraqi Kurds shows the weakness of the Kremlin’s Middle East policy. It is another problem where the Russians try to take double position. And instead of becoming a mediator, Moscow decreases in both sides’ eyes since it is unable to state its official opinion.

Changes in Lubyanka

Changes in Lubyanka

The trial of Alexei Ulyukaev, the former Russian minister, can be used in internal FSB feud. So far, General Oleg Fieoktistov, previously known as one of key people in Lubyanka, has been taken down by this entire case. In contrast, General Sergei Korolev, a representative of a new wave in the secret service, is building his influence.

Putin Changes His Governors

Putin Changes His Governors

Autumn purges in the regions. A few governors have been dismissed over a few days. But that’s not all. More changes should be expected in the near future. What may be surprising is the fact that the Kremlin expressed its satisfaction with the result of the gubernatorial elections held on September 10.

Russian Are Back in Belarus. Nuclear Weapons in Proving Grounds

Russian Are Back in Belarus. Nuclear Weapons in Proving Grounds

Moscow criticized the “hysteria” of the West related to the Zapad-2017 exercises. Meanwhile, it may be confirmed that the activities that took place in proving grounds over the last week were only a small part of the training. The Russian army does not slow down.

Nord Stream 2. Shareholders More and More Irritated

Nord Stream 2. Shareholders More and More Irritated

Today, among the biggest obstacles to the Nord Stream 2 project, one can distinguish sanctions adopted by the American Congress, the growing opposition of Brussels and the actions of such countries as Poland. The situation has already become extremely serious, especially with regard to the financial complicity of European corporations, which has been condemned by the Prime Minister of Russia.

Russian General Killed in Syria

Russian General Killed in Syria

Lieutenant-General Valery Asapov was killed in the operation for the liberation of the city of Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria. It is a serious blow not only to the Russian military operation in Syria, but also to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Cult of Stalin Is Flourishing

The Cult of Stalin Is Flourishing

The number of Russians praising Joseph Stalin publicly has been growing dramatically in recent years. New museums are being opened and new monuments are being unveiled around the country to commemorate this leader.

The S-400 Hits the Southern Flank of NATO

The S-400 Hits the Southern Flank of NATO

The agreement on the purchase of the S-400 system is yet another sign for better relations between Russia and Turkey. Once issues of Syria and energy sector were discussed, now it is time to mention the question of defence. The situation may be troublesome for NATO since the Turkish army is the second largest one of the Alliance (after the American one).

Final Test before the Presidential Elections

Final Test before the Presidential Elections

The course and results of local and regional elections in Russia provided the authorities with a lot of material for analysis. It was a mistake, at least in Moscow, to play for the lowest possible turnout. Paradoxically, however, Kremlin should not worry most about the good result of democratic opposition but rather about the weakness of the so-called systemic opposition.

“Telephone terrorism” in Russia

“Telephone terrorism” in Russia

Dozens of bomb hoaxes across the country highlighted the weakness of the Russian security system for more than a week. Cyberattacks paralysed hundreds of important locations in several cities whereas services were completely helpless.

Zapad-2017: Too Early to Assess

Zapad-2017: Too Early to Assess

The Zapad-2017 military drills, which took place on nine proving grounds of Belarus and Russia and engaged 12.700 troops, officially ended on September 20, as previously planned. However, it does not mean that this massive test of Russia’s combat readiness in the West came to the end.
