News, opinions & media
More Troops, More Gas: Poland’s Best Ally

More Troops, More Gas: Poland’s Best Ally

The Polish president arrived in the United States to pay what was called the best visit for many years, marking yet another significant step in cementing the alliance between the two countries. What was agreed by Trump and Duda bolstered Poland’s position as Washington’s key partner on NATO’s eastern flank and one of its few important allies across Europe.

Study Visit of Bulgarian Journalists to Warsaw

Study Visit of Bulgarian Journalists to Warsaw

Representatives of Warsaw Institute and The Warsaw Institute Review gave a lecture during a recent study visit of Bulgarian journalists to Warsaw. The lecture concerned the geopolitical situation in Central and Eastern Europe and made reference to such projects as the Three Seas Initiative, Eastern Partnership and the Berlin Process.

Ukraine’s Naftogaz Struggles For Crimea Gas Assets

Ukraine’s Naftogaz Struggles For Crimea Gas Assets

Ukraine’s energy giant Naftogaz estimated that over 9 billion cubic meters of gas had been extracted from its Crimean assets since Moscow’s annexation of the peninsula in February 2014. And the Ukrainian gas firm claimed that Russia had unlawfully expropriated its assets in Crimea of a total value of up to $5 billion.

Polish-American Alliance Stronger Than Ever Before

Polish-American Alliance Stronger Than Ever Before

The meeting of Andrzej Duda and Donald Trump at the White House is a compelling signal that the alliance between the states is steadily strengthened. Thanks to the purchase of F-35 and the increased presence of American troops on Polish soil, it will gain the security of the entire region. The Warsaw Institute Foundation had a great honor to participate in the White House ceremony.

Tainted Russian Oil As Another Argument for Diversifying Supplies to Central Europe

Tainted Russian Oil As Another Argument for Diversifying Supplies to Central Europe

In April 2019, the contaminated petroleum supply was reported to have flown to Central and Eastern Europe through the Druzhba pipeline, forcing all countries in the region to halt oil flows and make use of their crude reserves. The largest oil crisis in the region constitutes yet another argument in favor of diversifying crude supplies to Poland and neighboring countries.

Warsaw Institute at the “Polska Wielki Projekt” Congress

Warsaw Institute at the “Polska Wielki Projekt” Congress

Congress Polska Wielki Projekt is an event gathering politicians, scientists, journalists, entrepreneurs and representatives of non-governmental organizations, so that they can share their experiences and vision of Poland’s future in the interests of its best interest. This year’s 9th edition of the Congress was also attended by representatives of the Warsaw Institute and The Warsaw Institute Review.

Warsaw Institute’s Expert in Politico – Relations Between Russia and China

Warsaw Institute’s Expert in Politico – Relations Between Russia and China

Grzegorz Kuczyński – Director of Eurasia Program and Expert at Warsaw Institute was quoted in South China Morning Post report on the deepening economic relations between Russia and China and their impact on the United States. The text was also provided by the Politico portal as part of the partnership with South China Morning Post.

Book Published by The Warsaw Institute Awarded in Romania

Book Published by The Warsaw Institute Awarded in Romania

A bilingual Polish–Romanian publication titled Lucjan Skupiewski biografia społeczno-polityczna/Lucian Skupiewski biografie social-politică [Lucjan Skupiewski: Social and political biography] has recently been awarded by a leading Romanian history magazine Magazin Istoric.

Russia Monitor Monthly 05/2019

Russia Monitor Monthly 05/2019

All May Russia Monitor articles, which include reviews of the most important events related to Russian security and its foreign policy, available in one file.

Conference summary: Western Balkans: infrastructure, energy, geopolitics

Conference summary: Western Balkans: infrastructure, energy, geopolitics

The international conference “Western Balkans: Infrastructure and Energy From a Geopolitical Perspective” was part of the official program of Poland’s presidency of the Berlin Process and served as a preparatory meeting for the 2019 Western Balkans Summit, which will take place in Poznań.

Warmer Relations Between Poland and Lithuania

Warmer Relations Between Poland and Lithuania

Polish-Lithuanian bilateral ties have evolved many times over the centuries, ranging from friendly and close relations at the times of the Polish to Lithuanian Commonwealth to far more distant over the past century. Now Poland and Lithuania have an excellent chance to enhance their economic, cultural and political emotions, grasping an opportunity of two-sided engagement and their presence in the European Union and NATO.

President of The Warsaw Institute Foundation at The Daily Signal/ Heritage Foundation

President of The Warsaw Institute Foundation at The Daily Signal/ Heritage Foundation

Marcin Gawęda – President of The Warsaw Institute Foundation (U.S.), analyzed and commented on the mood prevailing in the European Union just before the elections to the European Parliament. In his article titled “Will Nation-States Make a Comeback in EU Elections?” he also raised the issue of growing patriotism and nationalism in many EU countries and their possible impact on the results of the upcoming elections.

Does Georgia Seek U.S. Military Presence?

Does Georgia Seek U.S. Military Presence?

Located in the Caucasus, Georgia has witnessed a debate over a likely U.S. military presence on its soil. The discussion ensued in the aftermath of a recent interview that Georgian President Salome Zourabishvili gave for Voice of America, stating that setting a possible U.S. military base in the country would not be advisable as such a move could be perceived as hostile by Russia.
