Russia Monitor Monthly 7/23

The Presidential Inauguration of Tsai Ing-wen

The Presidential Inauguration of Tsai Ing-wen

President of Taiwan – Tsai Ing-wen, began her second term in the office on May 20, 2020. In the inaugural address, several themes were also devoted to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Taiwan-Beijing relations.

Foreign Policy cites Warsaw Institute

Foreign Policy cites Warsaw Institute

In “Security Brief” from 21 May 2020 the Warsaw Institute and our Special Report were mentioned on the future of the British security sector after Brexit.

Warsaw Institute’s report in Defense News

Warsaw Institute’s report in Defense News

One of the most important portals and magazines on security issues “Defense News” discusses the Special Report published by the Warsaw Institute, calling the foundation “a leading European think tank.”

Pompeo in the crosshairs of China

Pompeo in the crosshairs of China

In recent weeks, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has become a frequent target of attacks controlled by the Chinese media authorities. This is most probably a response to the intensification of US statements on the origin of the coronavirus.

Russia Steps up Diplomatic Efforts as Kremlin Aide Kozak Visits Berlin

Russia Steps up Diplomatic Efforts as Kremlin Aide Kozak Visits Berlin

Slowly but steadily, the world is recovering from the hardest blow from the coronavirus – and so are influential actors worldwide. Putin’s new aide on Ukraine met with Germany’s Angela Merkel a day after she conducted a phone call with Ukraine’s prime minister.

Warsaw Institute begins cooperation with

Warsaw Institute begins cooperation with

On 18 May 2020 the Warsaw Institute Foundation began cooperation with, a Polish information portal operating in Ireland. Articles appearing under the U.S. Weekly will now also be available from our new partner.

The Arctic Icebreaker: Russia’s Security Policy in the Far North

The Arctic Icebreaker: Russia’s Security Policy in the Far North

Whilst the Arctic is a geographical zone that could be labelled as “an area of potential competition between global superpowers”, this alone does not provide full insight into what is really taking place there. One could notice that solely Russia sees it as a key priority while comparing potentials of some of the region’s players, as well as the Arctic’s place on their respective political agendas.

A Euro-Atlantic rift on the future of Kosovo

A Euro-Atlantic rift on the future of Kosovo

On 25 March, less than two months after the formation of the government, a vote of no confidence against Prime Minister Albin Kurti was passed. The recent conflict has not only divided Kosovo’s internal scene but has also highlighted the increasing friction between the USA and the EU.

Russia-China: a limited liability military alliance

Russia-China: a limited liability military alliance

Over the last decades, Moscow and Beijing have strengthened their military relationship. This partnership, however, should not be described as a traditional alliance. China particularly avoids this kind of wording.

An Alternative History Created by the Kremlin

An Alternative History Created by the Kremlin

History is one of the areas in which Moscow is applying its ‘active measures’ to undermine the unity of NATO and the EU, as well as to weaken the countries which are clearly opposing Russia’s aggressive policy in Central and Eastern Europe.

Aggression or collective security: HOPE, another face of Iran

Aggression or collective security: HOPE, another face of Iran

Iran is accused of conducting an aggressive foreign policy and being the biggest, and sometimes even the only, force destabilizing the Middle East. Iranian diplomacy, however, is trying to shape a completely different image of their country.

Giants Built on the Fundamentals of Economic Patriotism

Giants Built on the Fundamentals of Economic Patriotism

A conscious choice of domestic products and services by consumers can be a driving force for the rapid development of the economy, building synergies between local companies, and the expansion of these companies onto global markets.

The French Vision of Europe’s Future

The French Vision of Europe’s Future

The UK’s exit from the EU has become a strategic opportunity for the French elite to push their own vision of European integration. Another call for the political offensive is the weakness of Germany, which is currently facing problems in its own backyard.

The Indo-Pacific: Still Under Construction

The Indo-Pacific: Still Under Construction

The Indo-Pacific, already a concept that attracted interest in foreign policy circles, increased significantly in importance after it was included in the 2017 US National Security Strategy and the 2018 Defence Strategy.
