Data: 17 maja 2019
The Jamestown Foundation cytuje nasz raport „Nord Stream 2 i Ukraina”
Raport Grzegorza Kuczyńskiego – eksperta Warsaw Institute, został zacytowany w najnowszej analizie The Jamestown Foundation „Baltic Pipe to Cut Poland’s Gas Dependence on Russia” autorstwa Natalii Konarzewskiej.
Najnowsza analiza The Jamestown Foundation dotyczy głównie projektu gazociągu Baltic Pipe i jego wpływu na uniezależnienie Polski i innych państw od dostaw gazu z Rosji.
W artykule zacytowany został fragment raportu autorstwa Grzegorza Kuczyńskiego Nord Stream 2 i Ukraina: Bitwa o tranzyt:
„However, Poland has not solved all its energy dilemmas. The Nord Stream Two pipeline, a largely Russian-German gas infrastructure project, which will run along the Baltic Sea bed, mostly parallel to Nord Stream One, is the latest bone of contention between Poland, Russia and Germany. Poland, Slovakia, the Baltic States and Ukraine strongly oppose Nord Stream Two, fearing that it will strengthen Russia’s gas chokehold on Central and Eastern Europe and further drive a wedge between the region and much of Western Europe. Many Western European countries consider this pipeline beneficial as it will severely lower the cost of Russian gas for their consumers. Critics assert, however, that Nord Stream Two will be used by Russia as a pretext to eliminate Ukraine as a gas transit country to Europe, which will have serious financial and security implications for Kyiv”
Artykuł Jamestown Foundation -> Baltic Pipe to Cut Poland’s Gas Dependence on Russia, Natalia Konarzewska, 13.05.2019
Raport Warsaw Institute -> Nord Stream 2 i Ukraina: Bitwa o tranzyt, Grzegorz Kuczyński, 15.01.2019