Energy Transformation in the Baltic Rim

Energy Transformation in the Baltic Rim

On 14 December, the Baltic states and Poland signed a EUR 720 mln agreement within the Baltic Synchronisation Project. The aim is to integrate the electricity grids of the Baltic states with Europe in order to strengthen the region’s energy independence from third countries.

Jihadi Militants Target Russian Military in Syria

Jihadi Militants Target Russian Military in Syria

Recent days have brought a series of attacks against Russian military personnel in Syria. What should cause Russia’s alarm is that the first incident happened in the country’s northeast, far from its major hotbed in Idlib province.

Russia’s New Military District, Zapad Drills As 2021 Priority

Russia’s New Military District, Zapad Drills As 2021 Priority

On December 21, 2020, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an executive order whereby the Northern Fleet became the country’s fifth military-administrative entity from January 1, 2021. It encompasses the former area of the Western Military District.

Are Military Drones the Future of the Chinese Army?

Are Military Drones the Future of the Chinese Army?

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs/UCAVs) are a vital part of China’s strategy for winning “intelligent conflicts,” which are increasingly based on information flow and enhanced situational awareness. Between 2010 and 2020, China introduced a large number of advanced systems of this kind, becoming one of the world leaders in this sector

Russia Gives Way to Turkey in the Caucasus

Russia Gives Way to Turkey in the Caucasus

Dispatching the Turkish military to the Nagorno-Karabakh ceasefire monitoring center in the areas that Azerbaijan claimed from Armenia comes as Ankara’s success while being a failure for Moscow. Russia is making efforts to cover up its defeat with some vague statements that came after the meeting between the Russian and Turkish foreign ministers.

China’s Big Tech Crackdown

China’s Big Tech Crackdown

Since the beginning of 2020, the CCP has taken a number of steps aimed at restricting the freedom of action of the largest companies referred to as “big tech,” including in particular the Alibaba Group, managed by Jack Ma. Warnings of “disorderly expansion of capital” (资本无序扩张) and monopolistic practices have appeared in the official narrative of the authorities and state-owned media, although the stakes are much higher.

Russia, Germany Feel Determined to Complete Nord Stream 2

Russia, Germany Feel Determined to Complete Nord Stream 2

Neither the authors nor sponsors of the Baltic gas link seek to give up as Russia and Germany are making efforts to finish the Nord Stream 2 project roughly a year after the United States imposed sanctions on the project. The consortium completed laying pipes for the project in German waters several days after works had been resumed.

China-Russia Joint Aerial Patrol

China-Russia Joint Aerial Patrol

The Russian and Chinese bombers held a joint patrol over the Western Pacific on Tuesday, December 22. It was another opportunity to demonstrate strategic cooperation in opposition to the West. The Chinese media enthusiastically covered the event.

Belarus, Russia Sign Gas Protocol

Belarus, Russia Sign Gas Protocol

Russian gas giant Gazprom said it had signed a protocol with Belarus on how to calculate natural gas prices for gas supplies in 2021. Though the document does not say any exact figures, officials in Minsk said the agreed prices were “on a par with the levels in 2020 and the price this year was $127 per 1,000 cubic meters.” Gazprom yet seems the biggest winner of that battle.

EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment. What is Beijing’s Plan?

EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment. What is Beijing’s Plan?

A breakthrough in the negotiations between Beijing and the European Commission, which have been continuing since 2012 and concerned the agreement on investment, occurred in mid-December. According to European and Chinese media, the agreement could possibly be reached by the end of 2020 or in early 2021.

Russia’s “December Laws:” The End of Russian Opposition?

Russia’s “December Laws:” The End of Russian Opposition?

Putin’s regime is steering an ever-sharper course in its domestic policy, with new legislative changes paving the way for more severe repression. The State Duma on December 23 approved a bill, under which any individual could be deemed “a foreign agent” if they receive material or monetary support from abroad.

Cheaper Gas for Belarus? Moscow Dictates Terms of the Deal

Cheaper Gas for Belarus? Moscow Dictates Terms of the Deal

The Russian government has accepted a draft agreement to provide Belarus with a loan of $1 billion in 2020 and 2021. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a relevant decision on December 21. Meanwhile, Moscow has no intention of forgiving Minsk on any contentious economic and financial matters.
