Astana Triangle Is Not Yet Dead

Astana Triangle Is Not Yet Dead

The 16th meeting of the Astana trio – made up of Turkey, Russia, and Iran – on Syria took place in July in Kazakhstan’s capital Nur-Sultan. They all vowed to continue their fight against the Islamic State (IS) and other Syrian-based “rebel groups.” The new round of Astana Syria talks took place amid conflicting interests both Moscow and Ankara have on Syrian soil.

Another Russian Oil Giant Resumes Operations In Libya

Another Russian Oil Giant Resumes Operations In Libya

Russian oil producer Tatneft is ready to resume oil production in Libya and the company’s specialists are already working on this matter locally. Furthermore, not only does the giant wish to restart work abandoned as hostilities broke out in the country, but it is also looking for new opportunities for exploration. The Libyan government is encouraging Russian companies to come back to the country, seeking to rebuild economic ties both states had enjoyed in the Gaddafi era.

Ally Or Vassal: Armenia Is Forced To Look For Russian Help

Ally Or Vassal: Armenia Is Forced To Look For Russian Help

Armenia opted for an alliance with Russia, hoping that Moscow would protect it against the fall of the Soviet Union and taking control of the Nagorno-Karabakh region alongside neighboring Azerbaijani enclaves. For decades, Russia has been the sole, albeit disloyal, ally of Yerevan, as was the case last fall when Armenia suffered defeat in the mountainous enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. At that time, Turkey was actively supporting Azerbaijan. Russia did not offer its support to Armenia but responded with diplomatic measures only when the ex-Soviet country was about to surrender. Russian troops were deployed to Nagorno-Karabakh to secure the deal. Being under pressure from both Azerbaijan and Turkey, Armenia is more prone to agree on a bigger Russian presence. And that was what Moscow was about.

Russian Passport Holders In Donbas May Vote In Duma Elections

Russian Passport Holders In Donbas May Vote In Duma Elections

Russian passport holders in parts of eastern Ukraine that are controlled by Russia-backed separatists will be able to vote in the Russian parliamentary elections in September. According to a resolution adopted by Russia’s Central Election Commission on July 20, any person willing to do so will have to register and cast their vote online. This is a step towards incorporating Donbas and part of the Kremlin’s part to improve the election result of the ruling party.

Russia Displays Military Power In Central Asia

Russia Displays Military Power In Central Asia

At least two large-scale military drills between Russia and its partners near the Afghan border serve as a wake-up call to the Taliban. Although the Taliban told Moscow they would not invade Russia’s Central Asian allies, for the Kremlin, it is better safe than sorry. It is also important for Russia to reassure its allies hence Moscow’s decision to perform drills in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Russia Plays Double Game in Afghanistan

Russia Plays Double Game in Afghanistan

Moscow is involved in military drills in Central Asia, pledging support to its allies in case of Islamist aggression from the south. At the same time, the Russian foreign ministry praised the Taliban for their territorial gains in northern Afghanistan, labeling them as a stabilizing factor. This is not an obstacle to maintain friendly ties with the government in Kabul or to suggest the United States could somewhat use Russian facilities in Central Asia. Moscow is making efforts to carve out a robust position in Afghanistan once the civil war is over in the country.

Russia Sends Aid To Cuba Regime

Russia Sends Aid To Cuba Regime

Anti-government protests in Cuba pose a challenge to Russia. If the Communist regime collapsed, Moscow would lose a crucial ally in Latin America and its security foothold where the Kremlin enjoys influence, too.

Russia Makes More Aggressive Moves In Donbas

Russia Makes More Aggressive Moves In Donbas

Tensions go high along the demarcation line in Donbas while there are more and more cases of the exchange of fire, with an increase in the number of wounded Ukrainian soldiers. In addition, Russia reportedly amasses heavy weaponry in the areas controlled by Moscow-loyal fighters. If the Kremlin launches a new offensive against Ukraine this summer, the eastern region of Donbas will certainly serve a pivotal role in the conflict.

Putin Warns Of Russia’s Hypersonic Nuclear Weapons At Naval Parade

Putin Warns Of Russia’s Hypersonic Nuclear Weapons At Naval Parade

An annual parade of warships in the port city of St. Petersburg is traditionally intended to showcase Russia’s military strength. Nonetheless, this does not seem so for the country’s navy as Russia still lags far behind some world powers, including the United States as well as the United Kingdom and China. This year, Putin used a Navy Day parade to deliver his latest reminder of Russia’s military muscle and its successful attempts to develop new weapons, also cutting-edge hypersonics.

35 years after Chernobyl: Eastern Europe’s Nuclear Energy Landscape

35 years after Chernobyl: Eastern Europe’s Nuclear Energy Landscape

The year 2021 marks the 35th anniversary of the disaster in the nuclear power plant (NPP) of Chernobyl. It is often described as the worst nuclear accident known to humanity, with its fatality rates reaching the five-digit numbers. Despite being badly affected by the accident, Russia is now notorious for dominating the nuclear energy market in Eastern Europe. Three and a half decades after the fallout seems an opportune time to critically reflect on the current state of the nuclear energy landscape in Eastern Europe and Russia’s central role within it.

Russia Sells Tigr Armored Vehicles And Other Military Products To Africa

Russia Sells Tigr Armored Vehicles And Other Military Products To Africa

Russian-made military equipment and weapons are relatively cheap so they attract a great deal of interest in less wealthy countries, for instance in Africa. The MAKS-2021 International Aviation and Space Salon has turned out to be a tremendous opportunity to promote Russian military hardware and thus make inroads into the continent’s defense market.

U.S. Concessions On Nord Stream 2 Encourage Russia To Go To War

U.S. Concessions On Nord Stream 2 Encourage Russia To Go To War

A U.S.-German deal on the Russian natural gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 deals a blow to the energy security of Eastern Europe, notably Ukraine, whose military security is at stake, too. As the Joe Biden administration is making new concessions to Russia while France and Germany show a Moscow-friendly attitude, Vladimir Putin feels encouraged to take further aggressive action, also militarily. At the same time, the deal offers no security guarantee to Kyiv.
