Russia Monitor Monthly 7/23

USA versus China: Rivalry for influence in Central and Eastern Europe

USA versus China: Rivalry for influence in Central and Eastern Europe

On April 22nd, 2020, the editorial office of The Warsaw Institute Review organized an expert debate titled “USA versus China: Rivalry for influence in Central and Eastern Europe”. The event took place in the form of live broadcasts, allowing viewership and active involvement in the debate through social media in the face of the pandemic.

USA kontra Chiny: Rywalizacja o wpływy w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej

USA kontra Chiny: Rywalizacja o wpływy w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej

22 kwietnia 2020 roku redakcja The Warsaw Institute Review zorganizowała debatę ekspercką „USA kontra Chiny: Rywalizacja o wpływy w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej”. Wydarzenie zostało przeprowadzone w formie transmisji live, w obliczu pandemii umożliwiając oglądalność i aktywnie zaangażowanie za pośrednictwem mediów społecznościowych.

China’s medical diplomacy – success or failure?

China’s medical diplomacy – success or failure?

The Chinese authorities’ reaction to the appearance of the new coronavirus was delayed, as the decision to close down Wuhan, a city with over 11 million inhabitants, was not taken until January 23.

Brexit – consequences for Poland and America

Brexit – consequences for Poland and America

Brexit is undoubtfully a true phenomenon in the contemporary European history. Never before have a state completely left the structures of the European Union. What is more, this ‘divorce’ has been fully democratic and based on a popular referendum where Britons could freely voice their opinion about the British membership in the EU.

Who Will Complete Nord Stream 2?

Who Will Complete Nord Stream 2?

In December last year, the U.S. Congress voted to impose sanctions against any company that helps Russia go ahead with the last section of its Nord Stream energy pipeline. Thus, Russia has been left with no choice as the only way to complete the project is to finish pipelaying works beneath the Baltic Sea on its own.

Russian Oil Companies Squabble Over New OPEC Deal

Russian Oil Companies Squabble Over New OPEC Deal

A new deal struck in mid-April between major oil-producing nations to slash production is hugely unfavorable for Russia. But with this may come the closure of some of the country’s fields. No wonder that Russian oil companies are now wrangling over how to share out the state’s vowed reductions.

The Chinese “window of opportunity” in Serbia

The Chinese “window of opportunity” in Serbia

Since Aleksandar Vučić became President in 2017, bilateral contacts with the PRC have clearly intensified, resulting in a number of joint projects and infrastructure investments. Since 2005, their total amount has exceeded USD 10 billion, which is five times more than in the case of Poland (USD 2.18 billion).

Russia Wages Spy War with Ukraine

Russia Wages Spy War with Ukraine

The Ukrainian counterintelligence services have detained a security service general on accusations of working for Russia as a spy.

The Chinese display of power near Taiwan

The Chinese display of power near Taiwan

Recently, the Chinese Navy (PLAN – People’s Liberation Army Navy), has been demonstrating its strength in the waters to which it claims the right. On Sunday, April 12, the Chinese flotilla, headed by the first aircraft carrier, sailed along the east and south coasts of Taiwan to carry out exercises.

Iran: a system on the verge of its capacity

Iran: a system on the verge of its capacity

Iran is one of the most affected countries in the world by the coronavirus pandemic. For a long time, the authorities have not taken drastic steps and considered the manifesto of national unity, such as the celebration of the 41st anniversary of the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the parliamentary elections, as more important. Despite the global crisis, the conflict with the United States has not lost its relevance either.

Geopolitics Unmasked: The Curse of Interesting Times

Geopolitics Unmasked: The Curse of Interesting Times

The Chinese phrase May you live in interesting times is not a proverb, but rather a curse. In the United States of America, the new epicentre of COVID-19, even the Great Depression Era may ultimately pale in comparison with the new pandemic aftermath.
