Russia Monitor Articles
Game Changer

Game Changer

In early hours of 7 April, 59 cruise missiles were launched from two US warships USS Porter and USS Ross in the eastern Mediterranean.

Where Will Russia Strike?

Where Will Russia Strike?

Ukraine and Georgia alarm that Russia concentrates more and more armed forces at their borders. What’s more, the nature of this concentration expressly suggests Moscow’s offensive intentions.

A Narrative in Ruins

A Narrative in Ruins

At least 86 people have died in a chemical attack of 4 April on the rebel-hold town of Khan Sheikhoun in the Idlib Governorate in north-western Syria. The casualties include 30 children and 20 women.

Attack in St. Petersburg

Attack in St. Petersburg

An explosion that killed 14 people occurred on Monday in a subway car, between two stations. The attack brings Kremlin some profits.

GRU Conspiracy in Montenegro

GRU Conspiracy in Montenegro

One of chief suspects in the attempted coup d’etat in Montenegro, a Serbian nationalist Aleksandar Sindjelic, admitted that he had been recruited by Eduard Shishmakov, an agent for GRU military intelligence.

Corruption, a Witness, and Murder in a Prison Cell

Corruption, a Witness, and Murder in a Prison Cell

Vladimir Yevdokimov was one of many Russian officials awaiting a trial in prison. His testimony could sink some high-ranking people, and the revealed corruption scheme may extend to the milieu of one of Putin’s cronies, Sergey Chemezov – CEO of a Russian megacorporation called Rostech.

An Assassination in Kiev

An Assassination in Kiev

An ex-member of the Russian State Duma, Denis Voronenkov, was shot dead on 23 March, when accompanied by his bodyguard he was heading to the Premier Palace Hotel.

Russia Supports the Taliban

Russia Supports the Taliban

There are more and more signals of increased cooperation between Russia and the Taliban insurgents fighting the Afghan government chosen in a democratic election and supported by the West. This time the fact has been commented on by NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe.

The Creeping Annexation

The Creeping Annexation

In recent weeks, Moscow has made a number of decisions regarding the small quasi-states on post-Soviet territory that are dependent on them, but unrecognized by the international community.

The Russians Returned to Libya

The Russians Returned to Libya

Russian special forces are operating in Egypt, near the Libyan border – says Reuters, citing U.S. government sources.

General Sechin Returns to the Lubyanka

General Sechin Returns to the Lubyanka

On March 10, the president of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, confirmed that General Oleg Feoktistov, a senior company employee responsible for his security, left the company.
